Levels Panel "Move To" function will not move level to the desired location. The menu will stay open and do nothing when you try to move it. Found in 4.18 CL# 3832480, 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 Prev ...
Looks like this only happens for shots. I think this is because the tick prerequisites get set up on the frame of evaluation, and the skeletal mesh component doesn't get ticked until the next frame. ...
When changing Cloth Skeletal Meshes and Animation Blueprints on a Character it will cause the Engine to crash during PIE. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as it was working as expected ...
When using Finish or Custom Event Tracks in a Timeline, they won't execute when 'Set New Time' is being used with another Timeline or Float value. This issue was reported and tested in 4.19.2 (CL ...
As of 4.20, ENABLE_NAN_DIAGNOSTIC is now enabled in all Debug configurations. However, this does not work well with the TransformNonVectorized that is used on platforms like android. If this combina ...
Ensure condition failed: Lhs.CurrentNum == Lhs.InitialNum [Link Removed] [Line: 197] Array has changed during ranged-for iteration! Ensure occurs after dragging in multiple cameras into the world i ...
Per UDN Licensee: I have 2 crash repro when enabling DirectX12, both linked to tesselation and still present in 4.18 stock engine and easy to reproduce. Crash 1 -Start editor with DirectX12 -Cre ...
The user reports that the Landscape Spline Width and Side Falloff isn't respecting Unreal Units in the Editor. The usage for comparison is a Cube that is scaled up 7x to Splines that have a Width of ...
In a normal detail panel, each element has its own SDetailSingleItemRow and are mostly uniformly sized with some exceptions of having a few bigger rows (i.e. asset pickers). However, these layers ar ...
After a bit of investigation, the way to fix this would be to modify MergeMaskIntoAlpha to pass in the actual resolution scale and the requested size, and only mask the overlapping pixels. Currently ...