UMovieSceneTrackInstance::GetWorld() returns nullptr on Editor, so user can't use any function using WorldContext and Subsystem. The following code change may fix this issue UWorld* UMovieSceneTra ...
In this case, I've added inputs to a material function. That material function input uses a parameter as it's default value. [image: Inline image 1] When referenced in the shader[image: Inline ima ...
Changes to the hit test grid of an invalidation panel while caching is disabled won't be respected when caching is reenabled. This can cause interactive widgets such as buttons who were set to colla ...
Opening a module with references to a disabled plugin can crash the editor. ...
Moving the file location of the Editor Startup map appears to break the reference to the startup map. The editor fails to find the map and so does not use it for the start up map. Notes: In the ...
Open QAGame and duplicate Player_RunBlend to Player_RunBlend2. Create an animation blueprint for M_Avg_Base_AnimSkeleton and set it up in the screen shot below. ( "New Var 0" and "New Var 1" contai ...
Objects set to "us as occluder" will create dark artifacts from certain view angles. For this to occur "DBuffer Decals" need to be enabled in the project settings. The licensee has noted that addi ...
There is an issue packaging the project Unreal Stick Figure 2D project that is available in the learning tab. The project cannot package from the outset because of a couple of files that uses space ...
With HTML 5 Packages you cannot use the windows clipboard to paste things into the text box. This issue does not occur with other builds of the project. This issue does not appear to be a regression ...
When a GameplayTagQuery variable is edited from inside of a DataAsset, the editor crashes when the changes are saved. This could be related to a bug that was fixed previously: [Link Removed] Regres ...