Custom Events get unbound when duplicating Level Sequences

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 13, 2019

Custom Events get unbound when duplicating Level Sequences ...

4.24 Instanced Stereo Distortion Error in ComputeBufferUVDistortion

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2019

4.24 moves distortion calculations to the file DistortionCommon.ush and its`ComputeBufferUVDistortion` function. The code in the INSTANCED_STEREO define no longer works as `Interpolants` isn't passe ...

Duplicating inherited variables in the MyBlueprint panel doesn't copy data from the old variable to the new variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 12, 2019

Duplicating inherited Blueprint variables should copy the data from the original variable to the duplicated variable. ...

BaryCentric comparison inaccuracies

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Mesh Editing - Nov 12, 2019

A user reported FMath::SegmentTriangleIntersection returning false negatives, seemingly due the results of FMath::ComputeBaryCentric2D being checked with strict inequality as opposed to non-strict i ...

High intensity pixels create artifacts with Bloom

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 12, 2019

EQS Overlap test no longer recognizes custom Collision Object Channel

UE - AI - Nov 12, 2019

Environment Queries Ignore tests for Custom Collision Object Overlaps. Note: The expected behavior seems to have worked in 4.21, After following the steps to reproduce, I can verify a successful de ...

NDisplay hangs and stops responding on cluster event send

UE - Virtual Production - nDisplay - Nov 12, 2019

"The test event is set up using the default CE port, but every time an event is sent through the launcher the display receives the input and processes it, however the launcher will "hang" and stop ...

Update DefaultEngine.ini file when open project settings tab.

Tools - Nov 12, 2019

There are no changes to the parameters in the .ini file, just the file has been updated. Source control becomes dirty by re-saving the file.  ...

Crash when AnimBlueprint and Bleuprint Interface has Same Name Function

OLD - Anim - Nov 12, 2019

When AnimBP and Blueprint Interface was added to the AnimBP has same name function, compiling AnimBP occur crash. ...

Texture Group MaxLODSize doesn't recognize changes to WorldNormalMap in DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 11, 2019

When trying to change the MaxLODSize using DefaultDeviceProfiles.ini, some of the groups scale but others don't. This was reported and tested in 4.23.1 (CL-9631420). This was reproduced in 4.22.3 ...