Crash occur when using AddSpawnableFromClass with BlueprintGeneratedClass specified

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 13, 2019

BlueprintGeneratedClass is not based UBleupint. So the following code is failed. bool UActorFactoryBlueprint::PreSpawnActor( UObject* Asset, FTransform& InOutLocation) { UBlueprint* Blueprint = ...

USkinnedMeshComponent::PredictedLODLevel can be set below MinLOD

UE - Anim - Rigging - Aug 12, 2019

 Within USkinnedMeshComponent::UpdateLODStatus_Internal, if the USkinnedMeshComponent does not yet have a MeshObject, MaxLODIndex will be left as 0 and as a result PredictedLODLevel will be set to 0 ...

Potential Memory Leak with Disaster Recovery Plugin

Tools - Aug 12, 2019

Enabling the disaster recovery plugin causes a memory leak when importing and editing a large amount of textures. This can result in either a system lockup or a crash. ...

Dragging Audio assets onto the Sequencer timeline will create a new audio track when dropped onto an object's audio subtrack

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 12, 2019

Dropping audio assets onto audio subtracks in the timeline adds them to a regular audio track instead.  ...

iOS Launch On does not copy content to iOS/TVOS 13 devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 12, 2019

DeploymentServer fails to transfer the files LogPlayLevel: ********** DEPLOY COMMAND STARTED ********** LogPlayLevel: Running: F:\UE4-Release-4.23\Engine\Binaries\DotNET\IOS\DeploymentServer.exe ...

Move move events on widgets displayed via WidgetComponent will be offset in Standalone

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 9, 2019

It appears the custom hit testing logic of WidgetComponent handles click positions well via UWidgetComponent::GetHitWidgetPath adding virtual mouse coordinates to the arranged widget, but mouse move ...

FSkeletalMeshMerge::MergeSkeleton calls BuildSockets before RefSkeleton is assigned

UE - Anim - Runtime - Aug 9, 2019

Before assigning RefSkeleton, FSkeletalMeshMerge::MergeSkeleton calls BuildSockets->RebuildSocketMap->FSocketInfo->RefSkeleton.FindBoneIndex, which incorrectly sets the SocketBoneIndex. ...

Deferred Decals Fade In With No Fade Duration Set

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 9, 2019

Decals fading in with Fade Duration set to zero. Found in 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 7053642, 4.23 Preview 5 CL# 7838574 ...

Renaming a Named slot widget appears to clear any children in all other widgets that the named slot is used

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 9, 2019

When changing the name of a named slot widget, it appear that any children contained in the the named slot (when the widget has been added to other widgets) will be cleared ...

Spatialized audio does not work in ActorSequence components or play in Sequencer Editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 8, 2019

A sequence made from a sequence actor component doesn't play audio in editor or in PIE when the child of another actor or track. This was reported and tested in 4.22.3 (CL-7053642). This was reprod ...