Crash report window does not open on GitHub source builds

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jun 13, 2016

When using a source build of 4.12, the crash report client window does not open even if Crash Report Client is manually built alongside the editor. UPDATE: Only affecting Source builds from Github. ...

Tab key doesn't go to next value field in sequencer tracks (i.e. XYZ)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 10, 2016

Tab doesn't go to next value field in sequencer tracks (i.e. XYZ) ...

Variables cast from the Construction Script do not update in AnimBP AnimGraph

OLD - Anim - Jun 10, 2016

Variables cast from the Construction Script do not update in AnimBP AnimGraph The attached project has the head scale value cast from the Construction Script to a value in the AnimBP that scales th ...

Setting "Is Enabled" via the animation timeline in UMG does not appear to work at runtime

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 10, 2016

Setting "Is Enabled" via the animation timeline in UMG does not appear to work at runtime ...

Generating XCode project from .uproject fails

UE - Platform - Apple - Jun 10, 2016

Using the option Services->Generate XCode Project fails to update the XCode solutuion. This prevents source files added to the project from the directory to show up in the editor. Regression: No - ...

Crash when changing shadow scalability settings to low, then clicking in the viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 9, 2016

A crash occurs after setting the shadow scalabilty settings to "low" then clicking on an item in the viewport. The issue also occurs when setting all of the scalabilty settings to low at one time as ...

Material Compile Error [SM5]

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 8, 2016

There is an material compile error when using a TexCoord node shared between two Texture samples. The user provided a number of ways to work around the issue, but this issue becomes more problemati ...

Crash When Copying Comment Box from a Blueprint to a Behavior Tree

UE - AI - Jun 8, 2016

The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...

AnimNotify does not register when used in code

OLD - Anim - Jun 7, 2016

NotifyQueue.AnimNotifies Does not register the notifies set in the editor. EX: NotifyQueue.AnimNotifies.Num() will always return 0 even when notifies are set ...

Crash when Editing Text in Libraries Category Text field within Material Functions

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 7, 2016

When editing the 'Libraries Category Text' field within a Material function a crash occurs. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11 release. I have attached an image for reference. ...