Add sanitization code surrounding RigidBody + RigidBodyDynamic flags

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 20, 2016

PhysX throws warnings (which are escalated to errors) when CCD and Kinematic are in invalid states (they can only be enabled exclusively). The code to fix this has already been submitted, but may c ...

Children of Retainer Box cannot be interacted with when visibility is set to "Self Hit Test Invisible"

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 19, 2017

When there is a Retainer box with the visibility set to "Self Hit Test Invisible" and has children, the children cannot be interacted with. Children such as a button cannot be clicked. This issue c ...

Crash occurs when debug filter pop out tab is clicked while in line tab is present

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 29, 2017

There is a crash that is occuring when resizing windows with the debug filter popped out. The Debug filter that gets popped out is persistant and does not disappear when the the in line option appea ...

Numerous LogMetal: Warning: AsyncCopyFromBufferToBuffer on overlapping ranges Warnings

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 13, 2018

Numerous LogMetal: Warning: AsyncCopyFromBufferToBuffer on overlapping ranges Warnings Warnings do not appear to be linked to any visual/performance problems in the editor. Could be safely ignored. ...

Masked areas render as black if material uses any virtual texture

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 9, 2021

Masked materials that sample virtual texture don't function correctly. They render black instead of masked. This happens when there is no depth pre pass enabled. Automatically enabling depth pre p ...

Using High Resolution Screenshot while the viewport is in Full Screen causes massive performance issues after the screenshot is successfully taken until the Editor is restarted

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 6, 2022

This is a regression. Maybe Binary only if it hasn't already been fixed. Tested in:StreamCLTypeResults//UE5/Main18386535PerforcePerformance is normal after screenshot//UE5/Main18218925Perforce Per ...

Large snap scaling causes meshes to scale 0

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 3, 2016

With a large snap scale just selecting the uniform scaler will make the content scale to 0. It seems like it is far too easy for meshes to accidentally be scaled to 0 with snap scaling. Another exa ...

Changing Static Mesh for a mesh with overridden materials should NOT reset materials

Tools - Feb 1, 2017

Sometime recently, the behavior of changing a static mesh changed. A very common operation is to want to change a mesh, while keeping material override. Here I have a sky mesh, and the material is ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!UEdGraphPin::Modify() [edgraphpin.cpp:619]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 29, 2017

This is an infrequent crash coming out of the 4.17 release. User DescriptionsNICE PIN FIX NOW I CANT ADD VARIABLES NORMALLY Source Context 612 void UEdGraphPin::SerializeAsOwningNode(FArch ...

Cannot specify custom window positions in "windowed mode" for packaged games

Tools - Nov 30, 2017

There is an issue where you cannot specify a specific location for a windowed packaged game when using a command line to open the project, the project will move to that position for a brief moment b ...