Since 5.3, BlackmagicMediaSource causes a memory leak. This didn't happen on 5.2. You can see the leak on PIE. [Image Removed] [Image Removed] If "Just-In-Time Rendering" option in the MediaB ...
When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Ladder Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. ...
When the Sample Rate of the Audio Mixer or device is not 48kHz, the Biquad Filter output is not correct on PIE. It is Silent at 20000Hz, and other frequencies also sound wrong. See [Link Removed] ...
UAbilitySystemComponent::DestroyActiveState() is called when the component is unregistered (OnUnregister) and when its destroyed (OnComponentDestroyed). It performs state cleanup such as canceling a ...
A licensee is reporting a sim proxy is playing a networked anim montage with root motion, that the rotation changes will fight between what's produced in ::SimulateRootMotion and ::SmoothClientPosit ...
It looks like static meshes can invalidate large numbers of VSM pages when the geometry and the light are not on light channel 0. ...
From Customer: UE 5.3 update broke Unreal Insights adding GPU timers into graph tracks. Debugging the code and cross checking with github/p4v I guess it broke in this revision: Timer graphs no ...
Editor crashes after ejecting from pawn and opening a sequence when ending PIE ...
Map Check will generate an error when an actor is attached to a child actor in the Scene Outliner. At runtime, the attachment seems to work as intended so it's only a Map Check issue. The error read ...
Search results in component pickers do not show up unless they match both the name of the actor and the component, this is because FActorHierarchy::CreateWorldChildren ends up calling Mode->CreateIt ...