When using Weld Simulated Bodies enabled AttachToComponent func, the child Primitive Component's BodyIstance ActorHandle is released. As a result, in BodyInstance.cpp, the judgment of FPhysicsComman ...
The Editor is failing to track or receive input from connected SteamVR motion controllers during a launch on. It appears that the editor isn't locating the action manifest. If the user enters VR Pr ...
This is affected by loading order. In the case, display mesh was loaded firstly and try to build collision mesh form complex collision mesh asset. But the collision mesh didn't finished to make Ren ...
DID NOT OCCUR IN BP FPS PROJECT - might be ContentExamples specific This issue does not occur when forward shading is disabled. Viewport error reads: TOO MANY OVERLAPPING SHADOWED MOVABLE LIGHTS ...
Actor.h has a large comment that describes the entire lifecycle of Actors, which was written for the API website (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/GameFramework/AActor/index.ht ...
There's actually two issues going on here: 1. The REINST references are incorrect, and due to [Link Removed]. 2. Blueprint created components will always have different names between the instance ...
FLowLevelMemTracker::TickInternal() the ELLMTag::Total (and therefore ELLMTag::Untracked) memory amounts are calculated based only on the result of FPlatformMemory::GetStats(), which on the Windows ...
The Gameplay Tags settings have the option to set up restricted tags as described in the documentation. Prior to 5.3, the UI correctly supported creating new restricted tags as described in the old ...
A user has reported that when using the Scene Outliner in a large map that has many actors and nested folders in the Outliner, deleting a folder that has subfolders from the Scene Outliner with Dele ...
When using a DM and applying force via blueprints with event tick will cause a crash. Workaround: Using a timer instead will not cause any crash even with very low values. Crashreporter: [Link Re ...