Chaos Vehicle wheel output data does not include the wheel forces

UE - Simulation - Physics - Oct 5, 2023

This is more of a feature request than a bug. From a UDN customer. The output from the simulation to the game thread does not include the force that has been applied at each wheel. It would be pref ...

Fracture Tool - Popup menu for tree items on the Geometry Collection Outliner is missing the option "Static" for setting "Initial Dynamic State"

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - Oct 4, 2023

As reported by the customer in the related UDN case, when right-clicking a tree item on the Geometry Collection Outliner inside the Fracture Tool, the popup menu should display 4 options for setting ...

[AI] Nav Modifier Volume inside of a Level Instance does not update navmesh when moved

UE - AI - Navigation - Oct 3, 2023

The issue is seen when using a normal navmesh inside of a World Partitioned level. Adding a Nav Modifier Volume to a Level Instance, and placing the Level Instance in the world will affect the navme ...

[Audio Gameplay Volumes] - AGV components don't retrigger on virtualized sounds inside AGVs

Audio-Gameplay-Engineering - Oct 3, 2023

[Link Removed] This also occurs with Submix overrides and for settings where the listener is outside the volume. From Ryan: Likely when this setup occurs, AGVs needs to know to re-evaluate interi ...

Add BP function that returns the list of DataLayerInstances in the DataLayerManager

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Oct 3, 2023

A licensee doesn't have access to all DataLayerInstances of the DL Manager via Blueprint. [Link Removed] ...

Unable to access inherited component using Subobject Data Subsystem

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 3, 2023

When using the Subobject Data Subsystem (Engine\Source\Editor\SubobjectDataInterface\Public\SubobjectDataSubsystem.h), we often have to work with an instance of FSubobjectData (Engine\Source\Editor\ ...

ResetToDefault() incorrect behavior with multiple components selected with different defaults

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 2, 2023

In the blueprint editor when selecting multiple components and resetting a property that exists on both components to its default value, when the components had different default values the editor r ...

UnrealVS: Compile Single File no longer working after upgrading to 5.3

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealVS - Oct 2, 2023

After installing the UnrealVS version that arrived with 5.3. I can no longer use CompileSingleFile. It does however work on the Lyra project. One difference I notived, however, is that Lyra seems to ...

Shadowmapping broken in Android Vulkan Editor Preview

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 2, 2023