AccumulateCurveMetaData unnecessarily marks the package dirty

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2019

AccumulateCurveMetaData makes calls to MarkPackageDirty even when the data hasn't changed. ...

Landscape Far Shadows Interfere With Distance Field Soft Shadows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 5, 2019

Landscape far shadows are interfering with the distance field soft shadows causing a conflict, and stopping the distance field soft shadows from rendering at all. Working as expected in 4.20 CL# 43 ...

Stereo layer appears to move opposite the HMD when using Vive

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 5, 2019

Stereo layer appears to float and move when the VR pawn starts while looking away from a world locked stereo layer ...

Frustum Culled Landscape Components Not Casting Shadows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 5, 2019

Frustum culled landscape components stop casting shadows resulting in the shadows disappearing near the edges of the camera in square sections. Unable to test in 4.20 or 4.21 as provided project wa ...

Assertion failed: PlatformNeedsExtraDeletionLatency()

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 5, 2019

Animating a HISM along a spline when many other HISMs are present will result in a crash in 4.22. Confirmed in 4.23 MAIN @ CL 5291468 ...

Selection outline rendering inconsistently in VRMode

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 4, 2019

The cube (staticMesh) outlines are rendering in just the left eye while Box brush (Brush) outlines seem floaty and are rendering only in the right eye.  Does not occur in //UE4/Release-4.21 @CL 475 ...

Is Over Hit Test Visible Widget does not return false when over a widget that is not hit test visible

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 4, 2019

The Is Over Hit Test Visible Widget node does not return false when over a widget that is not hit test visible ...

Filtering by collection is broken

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Mar 2, 2019

This happens because the Collections module isn't loaded when the FFrontendFilter_TextFilterExpressionContext instance is created: , CollectionManager(FCollectionManagerModule::IsModuleAvailable() ...

UWorld::CleanupWorld causes issues with sublevels when changing maps after building lighting

Tools - Mar 1, 2019

A licensee has reported that UWorld::CleanupWorld is causing issues with assets in Sublevels if you build lighting on the parent level, save all of the maps, and then change to another level. The as ...

PreConstruct visualization does not appear to work for Grandchildren of a widget blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 1, 2019

When creating a grand child widget it appears that the preconstuct does not behave as expected. The child widget fails to render widgets that belong to its parent's parent. ...