Planar Reflections do not respect SkyLight intensity

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 14, 2017

Planar Reflection actor does not reflect the intensity change of the SkyLight. In attached images, the Intensity of the SkyLight is set to 2. The darker area on the right is affected by the Plana ...

Android / iOS build failed when using subclass(C++) of UGlobalEditorUtilityBase

Tools - Nov 14, 2017

Android / iOS build failed when using subclass(C++) of UGlobalEditorUtilityBase. I had already confirm that the error doesn't occur when subclass(BP) of UGlobalEditorUtilityBase. I suggest that we ...

World-locked stereo layers for SteamVR are not positioned correctly

UE - Platform - XR - Nov 14, 2017

World-locked stereo layers don't seem to be in the correct place when viewed in SteamVR. In 4.16, if you Subtracted the difference of VR origin location and world origin location and offset the pos ...

Editor crash on BP recompile with custom FRuntimeFloatCurve variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 13, 2017

When a class contains a FRuntimeFloatCurve variable, compiling a blueprint of the class causes the editor to crash once a key has been added to the curve and selected Regression: Yes, the provided ...

Packaged project fails to open with instanced object pointer and blueprint nativization

UE - Gameplay - Nov 13, 2017

When a class contains an instanced pointer to an object class, nativizing a blueprint with the object property set causes a packaged version of the project to fail to open. ...

Actor Variable References settable when in type array in Level blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 13, 2017

There is an issue with Actor Variable References that become settable when in type array in the Level blueprint. Once in the array, the actor can be successfully addressed, however using the Save Cu ...

Quickly using alt-tab with a blueprint in a new window causes the event graph to capture input of the alt key

Tools - Nov 13, 2017

Quickly using alt-tab with a blueprint in a new window causes the event graph to capture input of the alt key. This issue does not occur when the blueprint is a tab of the main UE4 editor window. Th ...

Fatal error when pausing and sleeping when using Launch Windows Game

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2017

When using the pause command in a launched game and putting the computer to sleep it causes the fatal error "GameThread timed out waiting for RenderThread" when logging back in and resuming work on ...

Inaccurate Metal shader warning message in the Editor when CommandLineTools is set to be the default compile tool on Mac

Tools - Nov 13, 2017

When CommandLineTools is set as the default tool, an inaccurate warning message is displayed when opening the Editor that states that Xcode is too old to compile Metal shaders, even if the latest ve ...

InstanceData->SetInstance crash when transforming InstancedStaticMesh

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 13, 2017

When updating InstanceStaticMesh transform from C++ or BP, UpdateInstanceTransform then FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::UpdateInstanceData gets called. Sometimes InstanceData->SetInstance in FStaticMeshI ...