Crash in DX12 UpdateTexture2D

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 24, 2017

RHIUpdateTexture2D uses the wrong size for the per-row memcpy, which means we can't support passing in an offset within a larger image in the SrcData pointer (doing so will result in an access viola ...

Set Anim Instance Class no longer works with Wheeled Vehicle Pawns

OLD - Anim - Jan 24, 2017

Set Anim Instance Class no longer works with Wheeled Vehicle Pawns Regression: YES Worked: 3172292 (4.13.2) Broken: 3249277 (4.14.3) ...

Crash occurs when an element of a fixed-size FText array is edited in a Blueprint.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 23, 2017

The Editor can crash if a fixed-size FText array is created. Attempting to edit one of the values of the array in a Blueprint will result in a crash. ...

Character Can Jump Indefinitely on the Client When JumpMaxHoldTime > 0

UE - Gameplay - Jan 23, 2017

Characters on the client can jump indefinitely when using a Jump Max Hold Time of > 0. It appears that this option is not available on the client. ...

User is not prompted to restart the editor when enabling the Facial Animation Importer

OLD - Anim - Jan 23, 2017

The user is not prompted to restart the editor when they enable the Facial Animation Importer in the Experimental settings. A restart is required to be able to use the tool. ...

Rendering artifacts with bloom on iOS metal

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 23, 2017

The user on this answerhub thread has reported a strange issue with bloom when using metal on newer ios devices. It looks like the material is creating NaNs or overflowing producing errors in the bl ...

Deleting audio subtrack deletes the entire track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 20, 2017

Noticed that deleting audio subtrack deletes the entire track. This also appear to happen to affect any property on the track. If I make it inactive or lock it that property applies to each subtrac ...

Blend space interpolation settings do not update until the user reopens the asset

OLD - Anim - Jan 20, 2017

Changes the user makes to interpolation in the blend space editor do not take effect until the user reopens the asset. ...

Filmic tonemapper doesnt decode 32BPP encoded formats

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 20, 2017

tonemapper film must decode the encoded format before processing. ...

Crash opening BlueprintRenderingToTarget map in packaged ContentExamples on mac

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 20, 2017

The editor is crashing when attempting to open the BlueprintRenderToTarget map in ContentExamples. The crash does not occur in PIE, Standalone Game, or -game ...