UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent no longer contains an IsFalling variable

UE - Gameplay - Dec 8, 2016

UWheeledVehicleMovementComponent no longer has an IsFalling variable. It originally inherited from UPawnMovementComponent which it gained this variable from but now inherits directly from UMovementC ...

ShooterGame weapon meshes are not consistent in Blueprint vs Editor viewports.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 8, 2016

Opening the WeapGun or WeapLauncher blueprints will show that Mesh3P has a relative rotation of -90, however both meshes are shown overlapping each other. When an instance of the blueprint is added ...

Packaging for tvOS in Distribution fails to find valid provision

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 8, 2016

I was unable to test this due to not having provisions available to test on for tvOS distribution. However, we have reports of the following error: "PackagingResults:Error: Error Provision not foun ...

Montage with multiple slots will only ever use root motion from the first slot

OLD - Anim - Dec 8, 2016

Montage with multiple slots will only ever use root motion from the first slot ...

Editor will crash when trying to change the parent class of a component that is part of a Blueprint Hierarchy

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 8, 2016

Changing the inherited parent class of a component that is part of a blueprint hierarchy will cause the editor to crash and prevent the project from opening even if the inherited parent is changed b ...

Get Platform Name node displays incorrect platform name on tvOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 7, 2016

GetPlatform node displays the incorrect platform name for tvOS. ...

Resolution Scale Information Returns Different Values In Standalone

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 7, 2016

When getting the resolution scale information from the game user settings the values will change depending if you are in PIR or standalone. This issue will also return different values if you run t ...

Web browser widget causes app to crash when packaging for Distribution on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 7, 2016

Web browser widget causes app to crash when packaging for Distribution on Android. The web page is not pulled up and the app crashes ...

Reset to default arrow showing up for Bool Variables for black board keys even if value is the default

Tools - Dec 7, 2016

Reset to default arrow showing up for Bool Variables for black board keys even if value is the default. The Reset to Default arrow is always present ...

Cannot save blueprint using custom blueprint function library after a hot reload

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 7, 2016

When a blueprint contains a function call from a custom blueprint function library, preforming a hot reload will prevent the blueprint from saving stating that the graph is linked to private object ...