The unpossessd controller will not be removed from UWorld::ControllerList unless destroyed. This causes null access to the ControllerList when GC occurs during seamless travel execution. The unposse ...
A licensee reported a bug in rounding of a call to FJsonValue::TryGetNumber(int64&) with large values. In investigating this, it appears that equivalent problems also exist in FMath:: rounding func ...
It doesn't happen with the DX11 RHI ...
MDL downloaded from Substance Source causes a crash. This is reported on UDN by an Enterprise customer: ...
When any of the inputs to a fast path node are connected from a struct member from multiple splits or splits combined with breaks, all input connections to the node will be effectively ignored, inst ...
Disabling the Decal DBuffer in the Project Settings>Rendering causes the Decals to not render on geometry that overlap their respective Decal Actor. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22 (CL - 5 ...
Using more than a single break struct node in sequence (despite no break nodes performing calculations) disables fast path. Splitting structs instead does not cause this issue. ...
When using Lighting Scenario, loading order will affect how it's applied to the instances, resulting in corruption if content is loaded after the lighting scenario ...
Project configured to spawn Niagara system via Character blueprint in a Code project fails to Cook, then crashes project on open Discovered when verifying [Link Removed] (also similar to [Link Remo ...
After disabling Static Lighting, shadows only render for Tessellated Landscape when being selected in the World Outliner instead of rendering all of them regardless if it is selected. Tested in 4.2 ...