Impossible to save assets after change in redirectors

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Dec 13, 2018

One of our licensees pointed out this problem. I've tried all the common redirector problems (write / read permission, multiple instances of the editor, renaming the assets, running the commandle ...

FBX export - BP StaticMesh Scales from Mesh Origin

Tools - Dec 13, 2018

Unexpected behaviour with meshes scaled via BP and exported via .fbx (.obj looks to function as expected) Confirmed in 4.22 Main CL 4648854 ...

Pressing ESC while on a drag operation makes drag visual to be disappeared and OnDragCancelled not to be called.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 11, 2018

DragDropOperation is removed when pressing esc button. but this is skipping OnDragCancelled so it can disrupt user's UMG drag operation logic.  ...

Crash when using a specific Component Mask with Material

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 11, 2018

This problem seems to stop at Check in HLSLMaterialTranslator.h. If the same value is entered in MCT_Float and MCT_Float4, it branches to True with IsIdentical, but it seems that a problem has occur ...

Multiple Primitives created when importing a mesh with "One Convex Hull Per UCX" disabled

Tools - Dec 10, 2018

User has encountered an issue with duplicate collision primitives when importing custom collision meshes from Maya ...

UDN 472564 - CurlHttp merges headers on redirect

UE - Online - Dec 7, 2018

when curl requests are redirected (301) – response headers are merged together and are comma separated.  but, Content-Type headers are required to use semi-colon ";" separators. ...

Editor Unable to Find Mali Offline Compiler On Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 7, 2018

Material Editor is unable to find the Mali Offline Compiler on Mac. This inhibits you from looking at platform stats for Android. Working as expected in 4.20 CL# 4369336 Found in 4.21 CL# 4613538, ...

Enabling Tonemapper via console command causes a black screen when Mobile HDR and Bloom are enabled on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Dec 7, 2018

Enabling Tonemapper on Android with Mobile HDR and Bloom enabled causes the entire screen to go black, other than HUD and UMG elements. This seems to occur on older phones, as this occurred on a Ne ...

Python cannot spawn object when running in Ueditor-CMD

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 7, 2018

It is probably link to the fact the function try to access so GUI object that are not accessible in CMD EditorLevelLibrary.spawn_actor_from_object should work in commandlet ...

Deltagen Importer - Materials still import if disabled

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Dec 6, 2018

Materials still import if disabled in Deltagen Fbx Importer. Import Geometry bool also looks to not be functioning. ...