This issue was found from an external user on Twitter using UE5-Early Access - [Link Removed] The crash happens on asset load. User says that they were following Gabriele's video - [Link Removed] ...
Using SceneCapture in packaged VR projects causes poor performance. Also observed with SceneCaptureCube Does not occur in 4.18 ...
If an actor is spawned using game instance blueprint, a packaged .exe will crash upon loading. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
When unloading a tile of a World Composition map in UE5, a crash occurs when trying to deference a null pointer (World->PersistentLevel->bIsVisible) in FWorldTileModel::FWorldTileModel():// Assign l ...
The editor is crashing in the attached project on PIE when World Origin Rebasing is enabled. According to the user, this did not occur in 4.13, but I was unable to test any further back than 4.15, a ...
Set Game Paused returns incorrect value when the game is already paused. According to the tooltip on the Return Value (reads: Whether the game was successfully set paused/unpaused) it is expected t ...
Crumbling Geometry collection do not render for one frame when child clusters crumble. In the repro project a 4 particle GC is told to crumble. The single GeometryCollectionActor is then split into ...
Crash occurs when trying to edit a MetaSound Source asset while a MetaSound Source is referenced utilizing FObjectFinder in C++ Repro Rate: 3/3Fatal error: [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\R ...
Recording attachment will can add multiple sections to an attach track in Take Recorder. ...