Reimporting creates new Material Slots instead of overwriting.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jun 25, 2014

CHANGELIST: 2114974 BRANCH: UE4 - Main DESCRIPTION:                              Using the Reimport LOD1 drop down in the Static Mesh Editor will create new material slots each time instead of ove ...

GPU System will kill existing particles if activate is called after it has be deactivated

UE - Niagara - Oct 22, 2020

Deactivating and then reactivating the same GPU system will cause existing particles to die. ...

Unreal Editor 5.4.4 crash when reproducing a LevelSequence in loop while PIE.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 9, 2024

A crash inside Unreal Engine Editor version 5.4.4 occurs when reproducing a Level Sequence while in PIE. This issue is a regression. It only crashes in version 5.4.4. It was working correctly in ver ...

Changing a Packaged Game from Fullscreen to Windowed at Runtime Causes Title Bar to Disappear

Tools - Jul 6, 2016

When changing a packaged game from Fullscreen to Windowed mode at runtime, the window is placed in the top left corner of the monitor and the title bar disappears. Setting FullscreenMode=2 in the G ...

Destruction mesh with Crumble Smallest and Impact near another will leave residual mesh visible

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Jan 28, 2015

When using a DM that has Crumble Smallest and Impact damage enabled there will be instances where the residual mesh before fracture is left behind. What appears to happen is there is a force large e ...

Line Attractor Strength Varies By Frame Rate

UE - Niagara - Aug 20, 2015

The Line Attractor node seems to render differently (have different strengths) between Cascade Viewport, Editor Level Viewport, PIE and Standalone/Launched Game In trying to capture movies for this ...

Attach actor to actor with the transform set to snap to appears to offset when calling it multiple times on multiple actors

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 13, 2016

Attach actor to actor with the transform set to "snap to" appears to offset when calling it multiple times on multiple actors. ...

Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jan 19, 2015

Multi Sphere Trace is not returning the correct Impact Location. Other AnswerHub Report: ...

Lighting Build fails with World Settings Error

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 16, 2015

Lighting Builds seemingly successfully but produces a Map Check Error for World Settings. There are several things that can be done to "eliminate the issue" and I have separated them into different ...

Setting "Is Enabled" via the animation timeline in UMG does not appear to work at runtime

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 10, 2016

Setting "Is Enabled" via the animation timeline in UMG does not appear to work at runtime ...