UProperty meta ShowOnlyInnerProperties doesn't properly propagate through UStructs

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 30, 2023

ShowOnlyInnerProperties does not work when a UStruct is embedded inside another UStruct ...

Unreal Insights - GPU Timers don't show on Graph

UE - Foundation - Insights - Oct 27, 2023

From Customer: UE 5.3 update broke Unreal Insights adding GPU timers into graph tracks. Debugging the code and cross checking with github/p4v I guess it broke in this revision: Timer graphs no ...

Exiting PIE after ejecting from pawn and opening a level sequence will crash the editor

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 26, 2023

Editor crashes after ejecting from pawn and opening a sequence when ending PIE ...

Map Check error when parenting an actor to a child actor in Scene Outliner

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Oct 26, 2023

Map Check will generate an error when an actor is attached to a child actor in the Scene Outliner. At runtime, the attachment seems to work as intended so it's only a Map Check issue. The error read ...

Component Picker search does not behave as expected

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 26, 2023

Search results in component pickers do not show up unless they match both the name of the actor and the component, this is because FActorHierarchy::CreateWorldChildren ends up calling Mode->CreateIt ...

Legacy Fbx: Importing multiple skeletalmesh put all of them in the same package.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 26, 2023

Expose UDataLayerLoadingPolicy and FWorldPartitionActorViewProxy to plugins via ENGINE_API

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Oct 26, 2023

Requested by licensees: [Link Removed] ...

Audio Does Not Play Back Correctly when entering an Audio Volume with a Submix Send that is PreAttenuation with a Submix using Convolution Reverb

UE - Audio - Oct 24, 2023

Entering an Audio Volume that has a Submix Send set to Pre Distance Attenuation and using a Convolution Reverb causes severe audio glitching. Does not occur if Send is Post Distance Attenuation. Doe ...

Budget allocator fails to register components dropped into a level when NetMode is client on PIE

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 24, 2023

Registration of budgeted components with the allocator fails when running in ENetMode::NM_Client.  The initialization order when running in this mode is different to Standalone net mode which ends u ...

Migrating a project from UE5.2 to UE5.3.1, there was a difference in the navmesh generated on HISM

UE - AI - Navigation - Oct 24, 2023

HISM is generated by ConstructionScript Actor is placed on the level and navmesh is generated on top of HISM. In UE5.2, the navmesh was generated without splitting on the HISM. In UE5.3, a break occ ...