Volumetric Lightmap Holes Appear Every Fifth Build

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 11, 2018

Volumetric lightmap holes appear every fifth build.  Found in 4.19 CL# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4302132, and 4.21 CL# 4348893 ...

Double-Sided Geometry Collision Doesn't Work When Using Set Physics Linear Velocity

UE - Simulation - Physics - Sep 10, 2018

Double-sided geometry collision doesn't work when using physics set linear velocity. This does not occur when using floating pawn movement or character movement components. Working as expected in 4 ...

Disallow assigning external textures to Slate widgets

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Sep 7, 2018

External textures cannot be directly assigned as a brush texture; you need to assign a material that samples from an external texture instead since it generates special shader code to access it. ...

Select All Descendants in World Outliner Does Not Highlight Everything Selected in Sub Folders

Tools - Sep 7, 2018

Selecting all descendants of a folder hierarchy in the world outliner doesnt accurately show what all is selected. This does not always occur and is a visual bug. The items in the level are still se ...

Clothing Pops on start and LOD switching

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Sep 6, 2018

Clothing can have noticeable popping when switching LODs, and there is currently no mechanism to initially start cloth in a resting pose, causing popping on spawn. ...

NavLink component does not account for the cost of the path set by AreaClass

UE - AI - Sep 6, 2018

In the test case, the NavLink component has a navigation cost of 1000000000. When the AI navigates to the NavLink the printed cost is only 2677. It is believed that the AreaClass isn't being taken i ...

ARKit Crash with Session Type: Image

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 6, 2018

AR app crashes when starting AR session if session type is set to "Image". Also confirmed in Main CL 4346626 ...

Crash When Trying to Set Default Values to a Structure That Includes a Transform Variable

UE - Gameplay - Sep 6, 2018

The Editor will crash when trying to set default values to a structure that includes a transform variable. Found in 4.19 C# 4033788, 4.20 CL# 4302132. 4.21 CL# 4347190 ...

Datasmith imports glossiness Texture as a Normal Texture

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Exporters - Sep 6, 2018

The Datasmith Importer for 4.20 (4.20E2) imports Glossiness Textures as Normal Maps. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (0.182) as Glossiness Textures were imported as World Textures ...

Component default data can be lost for a non-nativized Blueprint class that inherits the component from a nativized parent Blueprint class.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 5, 2018

This is a regression that was introduced by the fix for [Link Removed]. The fix makes an invalid assumption that instances of components whose archetypes are inherited by a non-nativized child Blue ...