Right now USoftObjectProperty does not implement NetSerializeItem so it falls back to the implementation in UObjectPropertyBase. This only works correctly if the object happens to be in memory, othe ...
Batch rendering still works if launched from the engine using Sequence Render Movie. However it only outputs the first CustomRenderPass argument when attempting it from a Command Line Interface. Thi ...
There is a duplicated block of physics replication code in PhysScene_PhysX.cpp https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/blob/release/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/PhysicsEngine/PhysScene_P ...
Setting "Keep State" for an animation in sequencer makes the sequence behave differently in Sequencer and in Play Mode. The animations appear to be blending together instead of having normal transit ...
Attempting to add a new code class to a project that is not correctly set up for IWYU (such as an older project that may not have been properly modified for IWYU when upgrading) will result in the b ...
Using a High DPI monitor with a multiple players PIE window results in the 2nd PIE window not saving its location when moved around. Using a monitor with a smaller DPI scale the 2nd window will save ...
The bug seems to only reproduce when setting animations in sequencer and only if the animations are set to "Keep state". Setting them to "restore default" makes the reversed animation play correctly ...
Since magenta is a special color used for initialization of the UE4 and it may have occurred problem because we are performing a branch using equal.[Link Removed][Link Removed] Licensee wants to us ...
Confirmed in Main 4.22 @ CL 4586854 in 4.21 Alpha looks to be about 1 pixel larger than other channels in certain parts of the texture "The issue is not improved by changing compression settin ...