ScreenPosition material node outputs upside down ViewportUV when launching on android

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 28, 2018

ScreenPosition UV upside down on mobile. From User: "I believe the editor mobile preview provides "correct" results, while the mobile device produces upside down results. I ran into this issue w ...

Child Actor components on Clients use the incorrect default values for variables that are not being replicated

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 28, 2018

When a Child Actor's class is replicated but the individual variables are not, the individual variables will use the default of the original BP class instead of the defaults that were set in the Chi ...

Unable to add Transform track to Particle

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 28, 2018

Unable to add Transform track to Particle. Does not occur in Dev-Sequencer. ...

Crash serializing LAN query response in OnlineSessionInterfaceSteam

UE - Networking - Aug 28, 2018

Server will crash in FOnlineSessionSteam::AppendSessionToPacket due to the OwningUserId being null. ...

Copy / Pasting a Widget creates additional Animatable Property transactions in Undo History

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Aug 28, 2018

Copy / Pasting or Duplicating a Widget creates multiple transactions in Undo History. These transactions are labeled "Animatable Property changed.' By default, three Animatable Property changed eve ...

The vertex color becomes red when importing a static mesh without Color Set

Tools - Aug 28, 2018

It seemed to be white at 4.19, but it seems to be red at 4.20. I found out that there seems to be a cause for initialization of Mesh Attributes. As a result of fixing this, it is now displayed in wh ...

Changing Area Light Settings In Blueprint Causes Crash

OLD - Enterprise - Aug 27, 2018

Changing area light settings in blueprint will Cause a crash. Found in 4.20 CL# 4302132 and 4.21 CL# 4307852 Unable to test in 4.19 due to provided project being in 4.20 ...

Nativizing Blueprint fails when struct is not initialized properly

UE - Gameplay - Aug 27, 2018

The PreferredNavData member of NavAgentProperties isn't properly initialized. It is using some constructor that doesn't seem to be valid. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788) as this same s ...

Sequencer 3D Trajectories run very slow on deep hierarchies

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 27, 2018

Using a Level Sequence with deep hierarchies causes the FPS to drop to low numbers when they are all selected within the Sequence. This is a regression from 4.19.2 (CL-4033788). This issue was repo ...

BP nativization can generate an invalid path including "__TEMP_BP__"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 27, 2018

The licensee sent us a BP that can't be nativized correctly on UDN. The nativized BP has wrong paths and causes a crash. ...