ARCore fails to package due to permission error with ARKit enabled

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 17, 2019

When using the handheld AR template and trying to package for ARCore, the package or launch on attempt will fail due to some permissions errors with Apple. If ARKit is disabled the editor will lock ...

GearVR crash with material using Fresnel or WPO on Snadragon S7

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 19, 2016

Talking with ChrisB, this has been passed to Samsung and Qualcomm for investigation with the Signal 11 crash. This only affects the Snapdragon S7 devices. ...

Torque curve makes no difference on vehicle movement

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 11, 2015

When changing the Torque Curve in a Wheeled Vehicle's Vehicle Movement Component, the values set don't affect the torque of the vehicle. ...

[CrashReport] CastChecked<UAnimBlueprint,UBlueprint>()

OLD - Anim - Jul 14, 2017

This is a common crash affecting users in 4.16. Users have not provided additional information. Source context not available ...

Set members in Slate Color for the foreground color of a combo box does not appear to change the color of the selected text

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 14, 2018

When setting the foreground color through blueprints at run time for a combo box it does not appear to affect the the selected item text. ...

Scene Capture 2D: additive mode not working in 4.19

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2018

Additive Composite Mode is not behaving as expected in 4.19 User reports that Composite mode is also affected. ...

Vehicle using Async Scene Crash

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 6, 2018

Setting a Vehicle to Asynchronous physics will cause a crash. Confirmed in 4.22 Main at CL 4542756 ...

Crash on Level Load with Sequencer Event

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 9, 2018

Crash when changing maps with sequencers new event director. Confirmed in 4.22 MAIN at CL 4553454 ...

Quit and Exit commands do not close project on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 3, 2019

LogWindows: FAndroidMisc::RequestExit(0) does not get sent with 4.22 and 4.23. Does not occur in 4.21. ...

LODbias settings appear to have no effect when specified by GPU on android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2019

When setting the LODbias via the device profile for a specific Android GPU it does not appear to have an affect on the textures when run on the device ...