Promote to variable in a parent blueprint does not pass/preserve the non-default value in derived children blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 11, 2018

When using the feature "promote to variable" on a pin that represents a value that is not an engine default (Example: Floats = 0.0, Booleans = False, ect..), that default value (for the variable tha ...

Creating loaded world with LoadLevelInstance fails when PIE is executed.

UE - Gameplay - Jul 10, 2018

Loaded level defined in TSoftObjectPtr <World> fails to load with LoadLevelInstance. This is due to "UEPID" prefix. Because it is rewritten by FSoftObjectPath :: FixupForPIE (), retrieval of Object ...

Custom Stencil/ Depth not working on GeometryCache actors

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Jul 10, 2018

When using a custom stencil on GeometryCache actors it does not work in editor or render pass. Found in 4.20 Preview 5 CL# 4173640 and 4.21 CL# 4198240 ...

Web browser widget does not receive input when used in a 3D widget component on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 9, 2018

Web browser widgets to not receive input when used in a widget component on Android devices Update: Oculus Quest devs attempting to implement and interact with the web browser widget via widget i ...

Print String duration divided by number of players

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 9, 2018

Print string duration is divided by number of PIE players. ...

EditMode(MeshEditing): Faces deleted or flipped revert to original when relaunching editor

OLD - Enterprise - Jul 9, 2018

Faces deleted or flipped with Static Mesh Viewer EditMode revert to original when relaunching editor. Datasmith Beta Version 1.0 (as listed in plugins viewer) ...

Speedtree shader node broken in a Shipping package.

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 6, 2018

I attached the 4.19 and 4.20 version of the project. The trees have no leaves when packaging with Shipping in 4.20 preview 5. It works fine in 4.19. ...

[Crash]-[Reimport] - Crash on reimporting CAD file with deleted light sources

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Jul 6, 2018

Web Browser: No Transparency in 3D Widget Component on Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 6, 2018

Transparency is not being applied to web browser inside of 3d widget on android. Tested with Samsung Galaxy S5 4.19.2 CL 4033788 4.20p5 4173640 4.21 CL 4179794 ...

The result of the Attach target change operation using AttackTrack's ContextMenu varies depending on the flow

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 6, 2018

At present AttackTrack's context menu has three patterns of Attach target change flowChange constraintBindingIDUse ExsitBindingUse NewBinding However, 1 and 3 can correctly change the target, but t ...