Blueprint iOS apps are named UE4Game.ipa

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

In 4.19 blueprint-based apps are named after the project name, but in 4.20 they are all called UE4Game.ipa This doesn't reproduce when packaging for Win64 or the apk for Android. The installer bat ...

Crash on Linux when starting Editor in Turkish

UE - Platform - Linux - Jun 4, 2018

Attaching a screenshot of the crash through command line. I was unable to get a callstack or an updated log as they didn't get generated/updated. I tested this using the command '$ ./Engine/Binari ...

Level Streaming Blocking Loads Do Not Work

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2018

It is believed that If Should Block On Load is TRUE, the entire game should freeze up until the entire level is loaded. Then If Should Block On Load is FALSE, the game continues to play while the le ...

Xbox 360 Controller DPad input does not register properly on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

Using a Xbox 360 controller on an Android device works except that the DPad input is not registered. This same issue does not occur with Xbox One controllers. Regression?: No This occurs in 4.18 ...

GetActorLocation and GetActorRotation have mixed up Tooltips

UE - Gameplay - Jun 4, 2018

Within the declaration of the APlayerCameraManager class, the GetActorLocation and GetActorRotation functions have mixed up Tooltips Result: Tooltip says to use GetCameraRotation for the GetActorLo ...

Multiple Physics objects on the client in one place jitter and shake

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 4, 2018

When simulating physics on multiple objects, they appears to jitter and shake on the client. This can lead to differences between the server and the client. This is especially show cased when runnin ...

Unconverted BP function library does not assign output parameters after function call in a nativized build.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 31, 2018

Stub functions generated for unconverted assets as dependencies of nativized assets do not properly handle output parameters (the result is not assigned after the ProcessEvent() call). Suggested fi ...

SkelMeshMerge not working for meshes with >1 LOD

OLD - Anim - May 31, 2018

Reported on UDN (see Additional Info URL). Looking at code, we call USkeletalMesh::AllocateResourceForRendering for every LOD, but we should only call it once. Need to check if our SkelMeshMerge t ...

Although it is almost empty scene, the value of Draw value syncs to the value of Frame value on iOS device

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 31, 2018

Although it is a scene with little cost, the value of Draw value syncs to the value of Frame value on iOS device.  If it is less than 60 fps with t.maxfps 30 etc., this problem will not occur. Proj ...

Forced reboot launching editor the first time

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - May 30, 2018

Note that before I tried running the editor via the Launch button, I just happened to run the Editor exe directly, and this did not repro then. After my PC rebooted I tried to reproduce it again an ...