Gameplay Tag Query on Actor Component cannot be editted normally on instances

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - May 23, 2024

A GameplayTagQuery in an ActorComponent cannot be properly edited on instances of an actor with said component. There is a workaround, but the issue makes editing Tag Queries rather annoying, doubl ...

Reflection Captures permanently unload with world streaming

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 19, 2024

When a reflection capture is unloaded due to streaming, it cannot be reloaded when the player returns to that area in the world because FReflectionCaptureData::OnDataUploadedToGPUFinal deletes the C ...

UGeometryCollectionComponent::EventDispatcher gets registered for events twice what can result in duplicate collision events being fired

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Sep 18, 2024

UGeometryCollectionComponent::EventDispatcher gets registered for events twice, once in UGeometryCollectionComponent::RegisterForEvents() and again in UChaosGameplayEventDispatcher::OnRegister(). Th ...

Creating TArray of components does not allow component elements to be edited in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 8, 2016

When an array is used to declare actor components, the component elements that make up the array cannot be edited inside blueprints. ...

Construct object fails to assign a value when using the level blueprint - ConstructObject node issue

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 28, 2018 ...

Pasting custom data floats from a text editor into a instanced static mesh component crashes the editor

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 5, 2024

When an instanced static mesh component with a material using a PerInstanceCustomData node has its data floats pasted in, the editor crashes with an "Array index out of bounds" error. The licensee w ...

FCanvasTriangle Item not accepting information from material Vertex Color

UE - Gameplay - Jul 15, 2015

From a Draw Material Triangle you cannot use a Material calling vertex color and the provided Vertex Color Pins to yield color on the HUD drawn triangle. It will always appear White. [Image Remove ...

Collision Channel on Particle Systems not saving

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 21, 2014

Setting the Collision Channel to anything other than World Static will reset on closing and restarting the editor. ...

CapsuleComponent with CCD on will push and pull any simulated physics objects when close but not in contact with the capsule

UE - Gameplay - Jul 21, 2015

When using a capsule component for the character with CCD enabled there can be a force that pulls or pushes simulated meshes that are never touched by the capsule. Demonstration video attached. As ...

Removing Pose from Blend by Enum causes compile error with float defining blend time

OLD - Anim - Sep 16, 2015

Removing Pose from a Blend by Enum node can cause compile errors when a float is defining all of the blend times. ...