Anim Blueprint Debug Filter Changes Back to Default When PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 3, 2017

workaround Debug Filter changes back to default when PIE. When playing - Shift + F1 to release mouse Debug Filter can be changed to what is needed ...

TSubclassOf variable values reset on Hot Reload

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Hot Reload - Nov 3, 2017

After a hot reload, blueprint instances of TSubclassOf variables have their setting reset to "none" Regression: Yes - variable values remain after hot reload in 4.17.2 (CL 3658906) ...

Can Not Add New Notify to Notify Track In Animation Sequences or Montages On a Mac

OLD - Anim - Nov 3, 2017

Only occurs on Mac When clicking on the Notify Track in a Montage or in an Animation Sequence a bar shows up where you can name the new notify and after hitting enter it adds it to the Notify Track. ...

On Linux, Mouse input is not capture in Skeletal mesh editor -> Section Selection right click menu

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 3, 2017

Attempting to interact with the pop up menu that appears when right clicking in Skeletal Editor -> Section Selection causes the pop up menu to be closed instead. Regression: No - same behavior occu ...

Child-Level Blueprint Do Not Call Parents Begin Play by default

UE - Gameplay - Nov 3, 2017

When creating a level script actor class and adding logic in the new level script actor class the logic is not automatically executed in child levels. In order to get it to execute someone has to go ...

Plugin code for plugins located in an AdditionalPluginDirectories directory is not being included in the project's solution

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 3, 2017

In the 4.17 release notes, there is a note that mentions that plugins added to a directory in the AdditionalPluginDirectories list in the .uproject file would automatically get included in the gener ...

Find in Blueprints search does not work with ":" or "=" symbols.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 3, 2017

When adding comments to Blueprints with ":" or "=" symbols at the end of the comment results in searches not working. Searching for "todo:" will not work but removing the ":" results in a successful ...

BP node value changes if function parameter default value changes.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2017

When a C++ function parameter has a default value, changing the default value will change any blueprint node of the function where the value is manually set. Regression: Yes - changing the default ...

[CrashReport] UBlueprintGeneratedClass::AddReferencedObjectsInUbergraphFrame()

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 2, 2017

This is a common engine crash that has occurred since at least 4.16. Users have not provided any useful descriptions of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack shares some similaritie ...

[CrashReport] Assertion failed: NewWorld | UE4Editor_Engine!UEngine::LoadMap()

UE - Gameplay - Nov 2, 2017

This is a common and longstanding crash that has occurred since at least 4.15. Originally this was being tracked under [Link Removed] due to sharing the same callstack, but that had specific repro ...