Crash Occurs When Retargeting Mannequin Skeleton to Daz Studio Skeleton

OLD - Anim - May 8, 2018

Crash occurs when the mannequin skeleton is retargeted to the Daz skeleton Does not occur in 4.18.3 ...

PostRepNotifies may not always be called

UE - Networking - May 8, 2018

FObjectReplicator::UpdateUnmappedObjects calls  CallRepNotifies, but does not call PostRepNotifies. Further, the order of CallRepNotifies and PostNetReceive in FObjectReplicator::UpdateUnmappedObje ...

Destructibles are not rendered correctly when fractured if Support Compute Skincache is enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 8, 2018

The rendering of the fractured pieces of a destructible is incorrect when Support Compute Skincache is enabled. The physics of the fractured mesh simulates correctly but the pieces do not render pro ...

Non replicated actor is not destroyed on Client when added to the level

UE - Networking - May 7, 2018

When placing an actor into the level that is not replicated the client will not destroy its copy when destroy actor is called. ...

TPropertyValueIterator skips TMap values when KeyType is a UStruct

UE - Foundation - Core - May 7, 2018

From The property value iterator has logic where it tries to iterate over all properties in a s ...

iPadPro2 Splash Screen distortion on app Launch

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 7, 2018

iPadPro2 splash screen distorted on app launch. Looks like there is a fix for this in FN branch that can be brought over. Engine/Source/Runtime/ApplicationCore/Private/IOS/IOSAppDelegate.cpp http ...

Custom iOS icons don't appear on device for Windows BP projects (Binary Build)

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 4, 2018

iOS icons have stopped working for Windows BP projects again; this does not occur on Mac. It also does not occur when using a source build from p4 (only on a binary build from the launcher). Note t ...

Particle Mesh Emitters Cause Heavy FPS Stutter

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2018

Per User: After updating my project from 4.18 to 4.19, I started getting huge FPS drops at regular intervals. I managed to trace back the issue to particle systems with mesh emitters and could repr ...

UMaterialBillboardComponent Memory Leak and Hitching (Unreal 4.19.2 + 4.19.1)

UE - Graphics Features - May 4, 2018

Creating an actor with a UMaterialBillboardComponent causes Editor hitching. ...

Memory Leak when Debugging Blueprint

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - May 2, 2018

RAM usage continually increases when debugger is active ...