SSR on Translucency is not affected by Post Process Volume

UE - Graphics Features - May 24, 2018

Screen space reflections on translucent materials are not affected by post process settings. Any changes made to SSR settings in the volume will do nothing to a material that is set to the transluce ...

Nativized Blueprint class may fail to compile for some native noexport struct types exposed through a user-defined struct.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 24, 2018

This occurs because the MakeStruct node will create a literal term for each input if nothing is connected. However, there is no explicit handling of some native 'noexport' struct types (e.g. FVector ...

SteamVRAssetManager color format mismatch

UE - Platform - XR - May 23, 2018

User requests that TSF_BGRA8 in SteamVRAssetManager.cpp be changed to TSF_RGBA8 to match OpenVR API SteamVRAssetManage ...

Opening Materials and Material Functions with Vertex Interpolator node Results in Crash

UE - Graphics Features - May 23, 2018

Per Licensee: Hello, We are migrating our project from 4.18 to 4.19.2 and we are encountering various crashes while opening our material and material functions. I'm adding a simple test case here. ...

Crash in Standalone When Sub Anim Instance Uses Exposed Variable

OLD - Anim - May 23, 2018

When using a Sub Anim Instance node that uses an exposed variable and another exposed variable in the animation Blueprint that is set as the Instance Class in the Sub Anim Instance node, the editor ...

Convex Decomposition is broken on Linux using Imported Static Mesh

Tools - May 23, 2018

Changing the complexity of the desired mesh using the Hull Count, Hull precision and Max Hull Verts on Linux requires the process more time to complete, but causes no results. This process works as ...

[Feature Request] FWebBrowserWindow::UnbindUObject of IOSPlatformWebBrowser.cpp is not implemented yet

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 23, 2018

FWebBrowserWindow::UnbindUObject on iOS is not implemented yet.  IOSPlatformWebBrowser void FWebBrowserWindow::BindUObject(const FString& Name, UObject* Object, bool bIsPermanent /*= true*/) { } ...

Expose ULandscapeLayerInfoObject to blueprint as EditorApplySpline() blueprint function as an argument for this type

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 22, 2018

Expose ULandscapeLayerInfoObject to blueprint as EditorApplySpline() blueprint function as an argument for this type. Some testing might be required to be sure it's not assumed somewhere in the code ...

UMG widget callbacks do not set PIE context in editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - May 21, 2018

This is from a UDN post. Several gameplay functions, such as level streaming and SoftObjectPtr resolution, depend on the GPlayInEditorID being set when that code is executed in PIE in the editor. T ...

Enabling Preview Rendering Level Mobile GLES3.1 on Map With Vector Fields Results in Editor Crash

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 21, 2018

Reproduced Crash on 4.18.3, 4.19.2, and Main CL 4081612. Licensee states: Based on a quick inspection of the code, it seems FVectorFieldVisualizationVertexFactory::ShouldCache() returns false (req ...