Having "Accurate velocities from vertex deformation" enables causes extreme blur on skeletal meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 4, 2016

Having accurate velocities from vertex deformation enabled and a SceneCapture2D in the same project will create blurry skeletal meshes. I am unable to reproduce this with an Nvidia graphics card. T ...

Viewport has graphical glitch while editing but not in PIE

Tools - Feb 6, 2015

User has a project that the viewport has gotten corrupted. The icons are now no longer camera facing and are facing in the positive y axis. The sun disc and sky are blurred. When PIE everything rend ...

A Function whose declaration is in a platform specific "If" block cannot be bound to a delegate

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 3, 2016

Functions whose definition is in a platform specific "if" block cannot be bound to a delegate and also causes an assert when beginning to play in PIE for the first time since compiling, but the asse ...

Perforce setup with SSL on Linux fails

UE - Platform - Linux - Jul 20, 2015

Unable to connect project to Perforce using SSL on Linux. Linux uses stub libs for SSL rather than linking against full SSL libs. ...

Linux editor windows are completely black

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 10, 2017

All of the editor windows are completely black on the Linux machine with the exception of the splash screen. This occurs for the Unreal Project Browser, toast windows and game windows. The functio ...

Packaged project crash on open with GEngine & ConstructorHelpers

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Jun 28, 2017

When GEngine is used in a constructor before calling a ConstructorHelper function, the packaged game will crash on open with an assertion about recursion (see screenshot) ...

Literal Gameplay Tag Container's Return Value does not have ParentTags

UE - Gameplay - Oct 16, 2017

Literal Gameplay Tag Container's Return Value does not have ParentTags in 4.17 and 4.18. In 4.16, the value had it. There is same problem in Return node that is Gameplay Tag Container Structure. In ...

UWorld::RemoveFromWorld does not check Pointer Reference for null before use

UE - Gameplay - Dec 12, 2017

The code in UWorld::RemoveFromWorld that removes Pawns that are about to be streamed out does not check to see if the pointer that it sets is null prior to using it. In cases where Pawns are rapidly ...

Screen Aligned(Velocity) particles deform at low velocity

UE - Niagara - Nov 22, 2019

Screen aligned particles with very low velocity will squash in 4.23+ (No squashing in 4.22) Confirmed in 4.25 MAIN at CL 10333042 ...