Packaged Game crashes after user has upgraded to 4.7

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 31, 2015

It only seems to be this user's game that crashes when he packages or does launch on windows I have reproduced this locally. I honestly don't know why this repro's, but I have an example project a ...

Cannot import objects with Bezier Curve modifier from Blender

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 13, 2015

Objects with a bezier curve modifier register as having no triangles when imported to editor from Blender as an FBX. ...

NavMesh does not build correctly to SkeletalMesh collision

UE - AI - Mar 16, 2015

NevMesh cuts out holes for collision incorrectly with Skeletal Meshes. Skeletal Meshes with "Can Ever Affect Navigation" set to true and that have a Physics Asset are capable of causing this. ...

Dithered LOD Transition Tooltip within the Material Editor is Misleading

The tooltip states, "Wether the material should support a dithered LOD transition when used with the foliage system." It is my understanding that the foliage system uses LOD dithering by default, a ...

LIVE: Importing this OBJ file crashes the editor

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Oct 22, 2014

Importing the attached Fly.obj crashes the editor on OSX. Does not occur in Windows 7. Crashreport: 435809 ...

UBT reporting VS2012 as an unsupported compiler even when UAT was passed -NoCompile

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 19, 2015

The editor will pass UAT the -NoCompile flag when building a Blueprint only project, however UBT has been changed to throw an exception if it detects VS2012 as the only available compiler (UEBuildWi ...

Sound Cue Looping Node Tooltip Misleading

UE - Audio - Dec 11, 2014

Within the Sound Cue editor the 'Looping' sound node tooltip is a bit misleading. It says, "Defines how a sound loops; either indefinitely, or a set number of times." When clicking on this node in t ...

Translation Editor submenu does not open

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Dec 10, 2014

Currently, if a user turns on the experimental feature "Translation Editor", then attempts to access the submenu for it, the submenu will not open. Note: This has worked in internal builds since 4 ...

Packaging and opening shootergame.exe shows black screen and freezes, must be manually shut down.

Docs - Samples - Dec 9, 2014

If Shootergame is packaged to Windows (64 bit) then the packaged project is opened, it will show a black screen and freeze. The program cannot be interacted with and must be shut down via task manag ...

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 24, 2014

Users custom 4.6 project crashes on load. If the DefaultEngine.ini file is deleted, then the project will start fine. ...