Undoing parent deletion creates duplicate child actors

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 29, 2022

Undoing the deletion of an actor with a child actor component added via the details panel (IWCE) duplicates the child actor and the hierarchy is incorrect in the scene outliner. This seems to only h ...

Investigate if iOS Remote Mac builds can be made without VisualStudio

UE - Platform - Apple - Dec 16, 2022

Currently, to build an iOS only app via Window's Remote Mac build system, Visual Studio needs to be installed, even though it isn't used to compile the iOS app.  Verify why VisualStudio is needed fo ...

Raytraced translucency makes ExpHeightFog black

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 17, 2023

Does not occur in path tracing nor rasterized translucency. ...

Allow users to keep files they have submitted themselves and still sync forwards

UE - Foundation - SlateUGS - Mar 30, 2023

UGS displays a prompt if syncing to latest would sync back before changes the user submitted themselves. It would be nice to allow them to keep their own files at least. ...

Editor iOS rotation specifiers are not followed (especially Portrait)

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 20, 2023

Specifying which orientations the iOS app supports are not honoured correctly.  ie: a landscape only game will still render in Portrait mode even when Portrait is disabled in the iOS Settings panel ...

Recent change to Material Expression code missing a case for "exp2" function in switch (cpp)

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Mar 4, 2024

The function "FMaterialDerivativeAutogen::GetFunc1ReturnType(...)" does not have a case for "EFunc1::Exp2". Also found in Release-5.4, CL: 331987674 ...

[AI] Incorrect collision for USplineMeshComponent

UE - Framework - Apr 15, 2024

The collision for a spline mesh can be calculated incorrectly. The issue appears to be when Alpha is out of range when calculating the slice transforms at splice offsets. ...

Setting a poseable mesh component as leader component for a skeletal mesh component causes an access violation.

UE - Anim - Runtime - Jun 11, 2024

When a skeletal mesh component's leader component is set to a poseable mesh component, the application will run into an access violation when it tries to update animation curves and morph targets. ...

Imported material is incorrectly tinted when imported via Interchange.

TM - Interoperability - Dec 13, 2023

Materials are correct in UE. It is not clear for me why the materials have tint. Possibly a remnant from the DCC. Sketchfab, UE, and Blender displays the materials cortrectly, without the blue tint. ...

Material not compiling due to WorldAlignedTexture connected to multiply

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 23, 2024

When a WorldAlignedTexture node is connected to multiply and then to a base color output, the material cannot be compiled, giving an error about an undeclared local variable "Local27". Does not happ ...