Instanced Static Mesh components that are part of a Blueprint aren't visible in Standalone Game

UE - Gameplay - Aug 9, 2017

Instanced Static Mesh components created through the Construction Script aren't visible in Standalone Game. Collision is still present. They are visible in all other play modes and if created on Eve ...

UBT crashes when doing an incremental build

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealBuildTool - Aug 9, 2017

There is a consistent crash when incrementally compiling headers containing generated code. The code for launching UHT accesses a property which is null when compiling with the UBT makefile. ...

Audio volume values get reset

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 9, 2017

Also confirmed in 4.22 Main @ CL 4413632 ...

Compilation manager inhibit construction script to get other actor reference on the level when running construction script right after actor compile.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 9, 2017

Construction script execution following blueprint compile gets invalid actor reference if Blueprint compilation manager is enabled. For example, in the attached project, Right after blueprint compi ...

Make Dialogue Context node no longer has the speaker and targets options exposed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 8, 2017

The Make struct node for Make Dialogue Context no longer has the "Speaker" and "Targets" pin exposed. ...

Physics Substepping doesn't have the same effect from 4.15 to 4.16

OLD - Anim - Aug 8, 2017

Physics Substepping doesn't have the same effect from 4.15 to 4.16. In 4.16+ the ponytail in the provided project will have a jitter effect even with substepping enabled. This is a regression: Work ...

Spot lights do not cast shadows correctly in forward rendering when dynamic

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 8, 2017

Doesn't occur for point lights only spot lights ...

Distortion Displacement Track is empty in new level sequence using a distortion file with a framerate of 0

Docs - Samples - Aug 8, 2017

Distortion Displacement Track is empty in a new level sequence using a distortion file witha framerate of 0. ...