Adding teleport node after AddMovementInput breaks jumping animation

UE - Gameplay - Jun 6, 2016

Calling the teleport node after the Add Movement Input nodes affects movement by preventing the character's capsule from updating, causing the mesh to hit the top of the capsule during the jump anim ...

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client

UE - Networking - Oct 20, 2015

Actors attached to a Child Actor Component do not replicate movement on the Client. User's test project attached. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary and Main (CL 2735029) ...

Get Hit Result Under Finger by Channel appears to return the wrong location on MAC during PIE

UE - Platform - Apple - May 11, 2018

The location give by the Get hit result under finger by channel appears to be affected by screen size on Mac. When clicking an area in the level, it does not always return the area under the finger ...

Adding a Pass By-Reference input parameter to an event dispatcher is allowed, but causes a warning when called.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 19, 2018

You can add a pass-by-reference input variable to an Event Dispatcher, but it will will result in compile warnings, and changes to that input will not affect the value of the variable in the caller. ...

[Feature Request] ReferenceViewer: Accept dynamic collection

Tools - Oct 29, 2019

In 4.23, Setting a dynamic collection to the collection filter slot does not display any result. And there are no information about dynamic collection doesn't work in collection filter. (FCollectio ...

Editor crashes when adding custom CameraComponent to BP with CameraSettings hidden

UE - Gameplay - Components - Oct 8, 2015

Using the HideCategories = (CameraSettings) specifier inside a custom CameraComponent class will cause the editor to crash when the component is added to a blueprint. Restarting the editor will sho ...

Crash when Child Actor Component overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Sep 21, 2015

Crash when Child Actor Component, that is set to Destroy Other Actor on overlap, overlaps Parent static mesh inside of the blueprint editor Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Adding widget to viewport on code overlap event causes the editor to crash when opening child blueprint

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 30, 2015

Setting a UMG widget to be added to viewport when a volume is overlapped though code and creating a blueprint of this class causes the editor to crash when the blueprint is opened if the BP has a st ...

Changing levels after setting an images material to a dynamic material with a widget blueprint that has been added to the viewport within a HUD blueprint will cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Sep 21, 2015

A crash occurs if the following conditions are metSetting an image widget to a dynamic materialAdding the widget blueprint to the viewport from within a HUD blueprintChanging levels ...

Infinite Script Recursion error crashes editor and produces UnrealScript errors in logs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 14, 2015

Macro that causes an infinite script recursion error crashes editor and produces errors in output log referring to UnrealScript. Frequency: 3/3 Crash Reporter; [Link Removed] ...