LocalHeightFog placed in 5.3 projects are invalid and not appearing when the project is updated to 5.4

UE - Graphics Features - May 24, 2024

LocalHeightFog actors placed in levels for 5.3 projects are invalid and not appearing in levels after the project is upgraded to 5.4. This is likely due to LocalHeightFog being renamed to LocalFogVo ...

Temp content folder appears after creating a new level

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jun 10, 2015

After creating a new level from the levels tab, the temp folder shows back up in the content browser, when it shouldn't. ...

Previous context sensitive nodes are no longer showing up

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 23, 2015

Nodes that were previously under the context sensitive list no longer appear, unless you turn off context sensitivity. This is occurring with 'line trace' as well as 'break hit result' from the nod ...

Creating an asset with the same prefix as another cancels name change process

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 9, 2015

When creating an asset, if the beginning of the name is the same as the full name or another asset it will cancel the process Workaround: Adding a change (such as "X") to the beginning of the seco ...

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision

UE - Gameplay - Oct 14, 2015

Physics actor attached during runtime doesn't have proper collision User Description: It seems that the "Weld Simulated Bodies" option on the AttachToActor function (same with AttachActorToActor) ...

Attempting to set skeletal mesh on vehicle blueprint during PIE crashes editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 8, 2016

Switching the skeletal mesh of an actor during PIE crashes the editor. Frequency: 5/5 Crashreporter: N/A ...

Macro Inputs and Outputs cannot use ECollisionEnabled Enum as a variable type

UE - Gameplay - Feb 7, 2016

Macro Inputs and Outputs cannot use ECollisionEnabled Enum as a variable type. ECollisionChannel and ECollisionResponse are available. ...

Scaling issues in preview while Blending Blendspaces in same Sync Group with root motion

OLD - Anim - Sep 24, 2015

When blending two Blendspaces that are in the same Sync Group and are utilizing root motion, scaling issues occur in the AnimBP preview. This only occurs when "Process Root Motion" is enabled ...

Game does not gain focus when launching

Tools - Dec 22, 2014

Launching standalone or a packaged game that forces fullscreen at launch does not gain control of mouse/keyboard input until after the screen is clicked on. ...

Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor

OLD - Anim - Aug 27, 2015

Removing Aimoffset node from anim blueprint crashes editor Frequency: 2/2 crashreporter: N/A ...