Opening map assets from the "Open World Demo Collection" sample results in the engine freezing. No crash occurs, just a lock up of the engine at 75%. There is the possibility that it could take s ...
GIF images are attached. The animation is smooth on the MotionBuilder side, but it is "slightly" wobbly in UE4. The licensee reports that the situation can be heavily shaken by the situation. Also, ...
This problem seems to have started from 4.26. Also, setting r.DiffuseIndirect.Denoiser=0 will increase the noise but invisible the rendering in problem. ...
When spawning Pawns with a StaticMeshComponent with SimulatePhyscis=True, they occasionally may not simulate physics. This can be reproduced by simply repeating the respawn. The frequency of reprodu ...
This problem seems to be fine when the material is Opaque.[Image Removed] ...
[Enduring] Appears to be in the visualization rendering of the distance field, distance field shadows were unaffected. There was one instance where the bug did not replicate as expected. This was wh ...
5.0:[Link Removed] 5.3:[Link Removed] Attached is a video of the two screenshots overlaid and lined up by their top edges. It appears that the Begin Play node (and others?) have more padding now, w ...
Actors that are deferred spawned on BeginPlay can be added to the world while AWorldSettings::NotifyBeginPlay is still iterating the world's actors and dispatching BeginPlay. AActor::DispatchBeginPl ...