[CrashReport] Crash after enabling the 'Composure' plugin

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 11, 2017

This crash occurs in the 4.17 Preview 1 Binary editor after enabling the Composure plugin. User DescriptionsEnabled the Composure plugin (and restarted editor) in 4.17 Preview 1 ...

Ensure opening TM-ShaderModels in DirectX10

UE - Graphics Features - Jul 11, 2017

Ensure occurs opening TM-ShaderModels in DirectX10. This does not occur in 4.16.2 ...

Import/export single culture localization failing

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Jul 11, 2017

[Link Removed] it seems like in 4.16 clicking the "Export translations for this culture" button (and perhaps import as well) for cultures that are not the native culture, you get an error ...

Crash in MobilePatchingLibrary OnInstallComplete when install fails

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 11, 2017

Crash in MobilePacthingLibrary.cpp in the function static void OnInstallComplete FText ErrorText = MobilePendingContent->Installer->GetErrorText(); It looks like MobilePendingConte ...

Crash in GetScreenRect on OPPO and Vivo devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 11, 2017

DOF rendering artifacts on Redmi Note 3

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 11, 2017

When show propertymatrix and delete target actor, the editor crash

Tools - Jul 11, 2017

It looks like it is null reference in propertymatrix. It always occurs when I execute the reproduction procedure. ...

Crash when trying to launch ShooterGame with -game

UE - Online - Jul 11, 2017

Might be related to the changes in //UE4/Release-4.17 at CL 3527005. I was also able to repro this via PIE-Standalone Game in the editor. When I repro'd this with PIE-Standalone Game the Standalone ...

Save process fails for BuiltData.uassets when trying to PIE - Standalone Game

Tools - Jul 10, 2017

The following can be observed in the output log for the various BuiltData.uassets:Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/Maps/Highrise_Audio_BuiltData" FILE="../../../../../Builds/Release-4.17/Samples/ ...

Crash when referencing GearVRController

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 10, 2017

SamD and I noticed that in 4.17 the GearVRController component wasn't appearing in searches in the editor. This crash doesn't occur in 4.16.1 ...