Crash when Deploying to iPad Air with BC4 Texture Compression Setting

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 7, 2016

App/project crashes when setting a texture's compression settings to BC4 and deploying to the iPad Air. As the user in the op states on AnswerHub, the problem seems to lie with specific texture com ...

ShowDebug Overlapping Text

Tools - Apr 27, 2016

Using the showdebug commands during play results in overlapping text that is difficult to read. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.10.4 binary and Main CL 2852833. Regression? No, also occ ...

Tilemaps using Isometric Diamond Project Mode has Offset Collision

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 27, 2016

When working in the Tilemap editor and changing the Projection Mode from Orthogonal to Isometric Projection, the collision does not translate or update to adopt the projection mode. ...

High Quality Gaussian DoF not working on iOS Metal

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 2, 2016

The High Quality Gaussian DoF does not work when deployed to an iOS device that supports Metal. After enabling the setting within Project Settings to support Metal (A8 chipsets) and above, and then ...

Crash when opening and closing custom profiles and then closing UFE

UE - Platform - Console - UnrealFrontend - Sep 26, 2016

Semi sporadic crash is occurring when switching between profiles in UFE and then exiting out This could not be repro'd on a Win7 machine with and Nvidia 980, could not be repro'd on a Win10 machine ...

The 'Browse to Asset in Content Browser' button beside Default Gamemode does nothing

Tools - May 28, 2015

Nothing happens if you try to hit the magnifying glass icon (Browse to Asset in Content Browser) beside Default Gamemode in the Project Settings window. It also does not work beside 'GameMode Overri ...

Piloting character blueprints in editor viewport incorrectly moves when pressing LMB/RMB

Tools - Nov 27, 2015

If the pilot option within an editor viewport is used on a blueprint with a camera and LMB/RMB+w is pressed, the camera rapidly flies in the opposite direction of the direction the camera is facing ...

Grouping of multi-part Skeletal Mesh LODs causes only one part to import

Tools - Mar 11, 2016

When setting up Skeletal Mesh LODs, groups within an LOD Group in Maya are now accepted on import as of 4.12. However, it only brings in one mesh from the group. See attached image and fbx ...

Imported Static Mesh Socket rotation is incorrect

Tools - Apr 28, 2016

Imported Static Mesh Sockets are importing at the wrong orientation Result: [Image Removed] Expected: [Image Removed] ...

AI Perception Not Showing Up in Debugger

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

AI Perception does not seem to be showing up in the debugger. The same setup functioned as expected in 4.11.2 binary, but upon converting the project to 4.12 Preview 4 binary, no debug information w ...