LivePP won't react with CTRL+ALT+F11 when debugger is break

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Live Coding - Aug 21, 2019

Before we were able to request CTRL+ALT+F11 while debugger is paused, then resuming the debugger (F5), LivePP was kicking, rebuilding before really unpausing the debugger. Now, if I want LivePP to ...

Template function TSparseArray::PointerToIndex does not compile

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2020

Error:  C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/SparseArray.h(778): error C2440: '-': cannot convert from 'const TSparseArrayElementOrFreeListLink<TAlignedBy ...

Material Editor: Material Expression Constant Node Preview Incorrect Color

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 4, 2020

SingleLayerWater with PixelDepthOffset gives wrong refraction

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Oct 29, 2020

We can see refraction gets distorted after we have a bigger PDO value, and it's not because the depth is more shallow, but looks like some kind of scene color texture lookup error. Also, not sure i ...

Grass does not show up when I override the Material of LandscapeComponent.

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Sep 8, 2021

Regression checked in //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL 15973114 the issue is not reproduced thee ...

MoviePipeline: Can't inherit from UMoviePipelineSetting in BP due to PURE_VIRTUAL

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 28, 2021

IsValidOnMaster/IsValidOnShot need to be BlueprintNativeEvents with a default C++ implementation and allow derived classes to override the function. This is needed so that you can create custom set ...

Third Person C++ Template Package Fails to Launch with Assert Error Window

UE - Anim - Runtime - Apr 7, 2022

Occurs 3/3 times. Third Person C++ Windows package crashed on launch with Assert Error Window (see attached screen capture) Regression occurs: Repro'ed in //UE4/Release-4.27 EGL Live @ CL18429761 ...

Cannot set background color for UI Domain material preview

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Dec 18, 2023

CSM Shadows disappearing at larger coordinates with different FOVs

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Apr 5, 2024

Cascaded shadows disappear at some FOVs when far from the world origin. This behavior was not present in 5.2. Also found in CL: 32690246 in Release-5.4 ...

Enhanced Input Pressed Trigger firing twice

UE - Gameplay - Input - Apr 14, 2024

GetTriggerEvent() in a function bound to an enhanced input action in C++, returns "Triggered" when bound to the "Started" trigger event. ...