Audio Capture Component does not appear to be handling external device swaps appropriately, and has a delayed crash that will occur if an in-use mic is unplugged. At a glance, it appears to involve ...
URichTextBlock::UpdateStyleData() does not check whether DecoratorClasses already had any specificed DecoratorClass. So every time you turn UMG on and off from the Viewport, Decorator Classes will i ...
When the uv value is very close to 0 ( < 0.001 ), the boundary value of the PVRTC texture is sampled as white. please refer to attached images and sample project. problem goes away when changing th ...
Editor crashes when Trigger on Threshold node is hooked up in a Metasound graph and played using a threshold value defined on the node. If you use an Input node for the Threshold value, the crash do ...
The FRHIFrameFlipTrackingRunnable thread is not initialized on Windows, so RHIGetFrameRate always returns zero. As a workaround, remove the code added by CalculateFPSTimings for Windows platform, a ...
This seems be solved if asset is modify and saved again (Show in the video resource below ) [Link Removed] UDN Thread: ...
The screen jitters when animating the size of the filmback of a aspect ratio constrained Cine Camera. Following behavior was observed by the customer: MRQ: The expected behavior - bars smoothly in ...
When you add a level with stationary lights to another level as a sublevel they will show a first error icon on the lights. Once you close the project or refresh the level this icon is shown as nor ...
A lot of properties are not getting saved correctly to custom configuration files. This looks like that it can be cause by the FConfigContext::PerformLoad function. New conditionals have been added ...