SunTemple scene does not update properly on iPhone 6S

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 18, 2017

On the 6S, the SunTemple scene is almost unresponsive. As the player uses the thumbsticks, the lightmaps from the windows rotate to mach the player's movement; but they are the only thing. This doe ...

MaterialInstance ScalarParameter's desc can not upadate.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jul 19, 2017

When this problem occurs, "MaterialExpression" is null in FMaterialInstanceParameterDetails::GetParameterExpressionDescription. ...

Warning on compiling Sub Anim Instance node with connection to exposed variable

OLD - Anim - Oct 10, 2017

When compiling an animBP with a Sub Anim Instance node with a connection to an exposed variable, warning will be displayed. When there is no connection to the Sub Anim Instance node, no warning wi ...

Non replicated child actors placed in scene not destroyed

UE - Networking - Nov 9, 2017

When a non-replicated actor is destroyed on the client through the use of bNetForce, any child actors that are also non-replicated will not be destroyed correctly. ...

Skeletal Mesh scales incorrectly if RigidBody node is used in Animation Blueprint, then the character blueprint is scaled

OLD - Anim - Nov 27, 2017

Skeletal Mesh scales incorrectly if RigidBody node is used in Animation Blueprint and then the character blueprint is scaled. If the character blueprint is scale to extreme sizes (3.0) the effect i ...

Oculus Go & Quest: Relaunching app immediately after exiting causes device to freeze

UE - Platform - XR - Jul 26, 2018

4.20 Oculus Go projects cause the device to lock if immediately relaunching after exiting. It does not occur if:You wait ~20 Seconds before relaunchingYou press the power button after closing the a ...

ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate will only force an update on the first connection

UE - Networking - Mar 21, 2019

The ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate will only trigger an update on the first connection in the list. Note that the ForceActorRelevantNextUpdate does not work on dynamic actors since their ActorChannel ...

Gameplay Abilities: FAttributeSetInitterDiscreteLevels::PreloadAttributeSetData does not allow FGameplayAttribute.

UE - Gameplay - Jun 19, 2019

Moving from "float" to "FGameplayAttribute" is causing a test to fail. ...

The MultiGate Node can have more than 32 output pins

UE - Gameplay - Jul 22, 2019

The MultiGate Node is able to have more than 32 output pins. Found in 4.22.3 CL#7053642 Reproduced in 4.21.2 CL#475421, 4.23 Preview 2 CL#7321677, 4.24Main CL#7473682 ...