Particle lights cause flickering when using either FXAA or no AA, but turns into black squares on the screen when you enable Gaussian Blur Regression: Yes, does not occur in 4.10 ...
AI Perception Hearing Sense is returning false for successfully sensed, even when a Noise Event is being reported. Found in 4.12 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary. ...
Creating a macro that compiles and saves without any errors causes the build to fail when trying to package. This is failing on each platform tried. ...
Child Blueprint isn't listed as an option for a variable inside of a DataTable until the Child BP is re-saved User Description: If you don't change anything and just load files I've attached, you ...
Switch between levels in the content browser caused a crash while loading the level. Project On Google Drive: [Link Removed] ...
Calling the HUD::DrawMaterialSimple() function may cause blueprint widget elements to not be drawn on screen depending on the hierarchy of the widget. Google Drive link to Project: [Link Removed] ...
When zoomed in too close (or zoomed out too far) to a Comment Box in a Blueprint and all of it's contents are not on screen, when the Comment Box is selected and moved, the entire contents of the Co ...
After changing the component to static, compiling and changing it back to movable and compiling, the BP actor will not move with the set actor location. I wasn't able to get the translate arrows to ...
Ribbon trails do not immediately follow the lead particle when fired. There is an inconsistent delay in some that cause them to either not fire or fire mid stream. This did not occur in 4.10.4, bu ...
User is reporting that this is happening with some, but not all meshes. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary when looking at the asset in 3Ds Max, and the asset will import correctly into 4.10. ...