[Sequencer] Setting additive transform keyframes on Actor Blueprints (using S hotkey) causes Actor to pop

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 22, 2023

See attached gif for popping behavior. The issue does not occur if using the Enter hotkey or clicking the Add Keyframe button. The issue also does not occur on static or skeletal meshes.  ...

PIE window resizes on launch when using Windows scaling

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jun 22, 2023

The user suggested scaling the TitleBarSize in SWindow::GetClientRectInScreen by GetDPIScaleFactor(), which makes sense to me but doesn't seem to solve the issue entirely. ...

Level and Blueprint viewports have different behavior when calling FComponentVisualizerManager::HandleClick

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 22, 2023

User reports a difference in how component visualizer clicks are handled in editor vs blueprint viewports. This is likely not intentional, just a case of a difference in control flow in each viewpor ...

Unloading a level instance by data layer creates empty folders in the top level of the outliner

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Jun 22, 2023

Inconsistent media texture new style output state across the engine

Media Framework - Jun 20, 2023

A simple search for `NewStyleOutput = true` will reveal the many instances where this flag is already forced on, including media plates and media bundles. This however means that we have incompatib ...

Movie Scene Capture - DX12 Render Artifacts and Delay

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Jun 19, 2023

If using the Legacy renderer (Movie Scene Capture) with DefaultRHI DirectX12, there's new delay and also some frames get weird artifacts.   However, the delay and artifacts do not appear when using ...

Gameplay effect modifier tag requirements are not checked for Instant/periodic effects

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jun 19, 2023

When creating a GameplayEffect, modifiers can tag requirements for the Source and Target tags. For Duration gameplay effects, these tag requirements are checked from FAggregatorMod::UpdateQualifies ...

Spawn and Register Tab and Get ID Produces Unbounded Length IDs

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 18, 2023

Spawning Editor Utility Widgets via Spawn and Register Tab and Get ID inside another widget creates unbounded length IDs that get progressively longer with each subsequent spawn, as the ID is append ...

"stat llmassets" console command not recognised

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 16, 2023

I am trying to use "stat llmassets" but it is not recognising the command. I have enabled LLM_ALLOW_ASSETS_TAGS and added -llmtagsets=assets to the commandline along with -llm, is there anything els ...

Sequencer: Changing a data layer track to KeepState hits ensure(Aggregate) in animated state storage

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 16, 2023

Ensure condition fires as described in reproduction steps when using a Data Layer track in Sequencer with 'Keep State'. ...