Deadlock in FXAudio2Device::UpdateAudioClock() whenever a KVM is used to switch to another input

UE - Audio - Mar 7, 2017

I have 3 machines with one set of keyboard, mouse, and monitors. Switching between machines is required during long running tasks such as cooking. ignore-Switch ...

Compile error with Local Variable of a Struct that contains a Set or Map type

UE - Gameplay - Mar 7, 2017

Compile error with Local Variable of a Struct that contains a Set or Map type. Standard and array variables work without issue. Non-local variables also work without issue. ...

Nativeize assets fails with Set/Map variable for character

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 7, 2017

Nativeize assets fail with the new variable types introduced in 4.15. This issues also occurred when tested using the third person character template Build fails with: FirstPersonCharacter__pf205 ...

Odd decimals showing in FPS timeline of Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 6, 2017

There are odd decimals when FPS time snapping is set. This seems like a similar issue from UE-41311 This is a regression from This does not occur in //UE4/Main at CL 3334092 ...

Crash editing Landscape Splines with Level Sequence Open

Tools - Mar 6, 2017

A crash occurs when attempting to transform a landscape spline with a Level sequence open. It is important to note that no key framing or animating of the landscape spline control point is occurrin ...

Data is not filled in for a Blueprint struct array contained within another Blueprint struct

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 6, 2017

If a Blueprint struct contains a variable that is an array of another Blueprint struct, data in a datatable based on the first struct will not be correctly filled in for the struct array. If the str ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_PackageDependencyInfo!FPackageDependencyInfo::InitializeDependencyInfo() [packagedependencyinfo.cpp:339]

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 6, 2017

This Jira was created from CrashReports submitted by the public due to the high number of occurrences. Descriptions from users are provided below. Error message: Assertion failed: DepPkgInfo->bIni ...

XB1: assert failure writing memreport from packaged build

UE - Platform - Console - Mar 6, 2017

In case of running a packaged build the file can't be written on the G drive. HandleMemReportDeferredCommand writes to a relative path by default, but such files should be written to the developer ...

Crash accessing a non-empty TSet or TMap local variable in a blueprint function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 6, 2017

Getting a crash when trying to access a non-empty TSet or TMap local variable in a blueprint function. This is only occurring with local variables. The issue also does not occur if the TSet or TMap ...

Regression: Visibility property is not seen in the animation track in UMG

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 6, 2017

Visibility track in 4.15 launcher version is not visible. Converted projects from previous version which already had this track, but cannot create new one. If I add Interp keyword in the UPROPERTY, ...