Iterative cook does not cook only changed content in Binary UnrealFrontend

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 7, 2017

This is not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3. Also this did not occur in a source build of UFE from Github. Excerpt from the logs:UE4Editor-Cmd: [2017.02.07-18.58.10:328][ 0]LogCook:Display: ...

Overlapping Sequencer Tracks with -EnableHighDPI and UI Scaling

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 7, 2017

Overlapping Sequencer Tracks with -EnableHighDPI and UI Scaling ...

Selection Highlight cannot be disabled for Skeletal Meshes

Tools - Feb 7, 2017

Selection highlight cannot be disabled for Skeletal Meshes. They will always have the outline selection and some tinted selection over their faces. Static Meshes do not exhibit this behavior. This ...

CookOnTheFly: No message when starting creation of asset registry

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 7, 2017

UCookOnTheFlyServer::GenerateAssetRegistry() logs when the registry has been created and how long it took, but there is no message to indicate when the operation started (unless using DEBUG_COOKONTH ...

Texture Property Node Returns Unexpected Values For Texture Object With Render Target Input

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 7, 2017

The texture property node returns incorrect values for texture objects that have a render target as its input. The correct value will be returned if a normal texture is used for the input instead. ...

SSL certificates for HTTPS are not properly verified on Windows

UE - Online - Feb 7, 2017

A user has reported that, due to a change that was made back before 4.12, SSL certificates for HTTPS are not verified correctly when building on Windows. This is due to the change requiring a bundle ...

Changing ColorAndOpacity in Text using AutoKey do not create new keyframe.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 7, 2017

This is not reproduced in Shadow Color section. Since ShadowColorAndOpacity is FLenearColor and ColorAndOpacity is FSlateColor, this prevents adding new keys in ColorPropertyTrackEditor.cpp FColo ...

Adding "_API" specifier to FMovieSceneTrackEditor results in linker errors

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 7, 2017

Unable to add API specifier to FMovieSceneTrackEditor, results in compile errors (pasted in the callstack field) ...

Crash clicking the question mark to show Viewport controls

UE - Platform - Linux - Feb 6, 2017

Was not able to reproduce on Windows. I checked the Linux log (Project, UE4) and did not notice anything meaningful there. I used GDB to get a backtrace from the core dump file. Attaching that and ...

Crash occurs when using the VisRT console command in a project launched without the Editor using D3D12

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 6, 2017

Launching a project outside of the Editor (-game) using D3D12 (-d3d12) results in a crash if the console command VisRT is used in the project. ...