BSPs do not update when converted to blocking volumes

UE - LD & Modeling - Modeling Tools - BSP - Oct 21, 2015

If a bsp is converted to a blocking volume, the faces of the bsp remain present until a new actor is placed or geometry is compiled. ...

Contains array does not recognize compatible elements after reopening editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 1, 2015

Array Contains node does not recognize compatible elements after saving and restarting the editor. ...

Landscape materials do not correctly render on iPhone 5S with version 8.3 installed

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 17, 2015

[JoshA] This is a bug in the Metal renderer. Basing on the screenshots in the Comments, it looks like some sort of precision issue in Metal shaders? Landscape materials incorrectly render when depl ...

Input pin disappears if split on GetScreenSpacePosition node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 16, 2015

If the input pin of a GetScreenSpacePosition node is right clicked and then the user presses "split struct pin", the pin will disappear. Workaround: Press refresh node in RMB context menu. ...

called custom functions do not update parameter names upon compile, must be replaced

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 21, 2015

Parameter names do not update on custom functions that are already called in event graph after compiling blueprint. ...

Standalone Game does not recognize actor blueprints with "Simulate Physics" active

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 16, 2015

If a blueprint has "Simulate Physics" active on a component, it will not render when running standalone game. ...

Destroy Component inside of a actor blueprint component does not trigger if target is "self"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 18, 2015

If a "Destroy Component" has a target of self within a blueprint component, the "Destroy Component" node will not trigger. ...

PIE with Auto Recompile Blueprints disabled generates an error message asking to compile PROTO_BP Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 17, 2015

PIE with Auto Recompile Blueprints disabled generates an error message asking to compile PROTO_BP_Blueprint_0 and PROTO_BP_AnimBlueprint_0. Clicking Yes compiles, but any attempt to PIE thereafter g ...

Collapse to Function creates a return node that cannot be deleted

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 15, 2015

Collapse to Function creates a ReturnNode that cannot be deleted. When creating a new Function, the ReturnNode is not mandated like this, so this seems inconsistent. Included is a screenshot of thi ...

Mesh Particle Collision does not occur when placed in Destructible Meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Dec 23, 2014

Mesh Type Particles with Collision on World Static and Destructibles will not keep collision when placed into the Effects slot of a Destructible Mesh. ...