ContentExamples: BlueprintRenderToTarget heightfield painter renders black and has no functionality

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

Observed on all native platforms ...

ContentExamples: Volumes Example 1.9 There is an extra space between "Causing" and "Event"

Docs - Samples - Jan 19, 2017

In Display 1.9, there is an extra space between Causing and Event ...

In Persona, the lighting rig rotation changes when switching between profiles

OLD - Anim - Jan 19, 2017

When the user switches between profiles in Preview Scene Settings, the lighting rig rotation changes randomly, and doesn't stick with the rotation that was set in the profile. ...

Shadows of small movable components popping out

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

This must be a regression ...

Crash Occurs When Using NetProfile While Running Packaged Build With Connected Client

UE - Networking - Jan 19, 2017

A crash is occurring when attempting to use the netprofile command while running a packaged game with the server on one PC and the client on another. ...

Auto-Play doesn't work on keyed actors in a sub-level using Initially Loaded and Visible (Packaged Game Only)

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 19, 2017

Auto-Play doesn't work when keying actors in a sub-level using Initially Loaded and Visible (Packaged Game Only) In the attached project, the only item in the persistent level is the Sequence Actor ...

Last frame of sequence does not render out.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jan 19, 2017

Noticing that the last frame of a sequence does not render out properly. ...

Editor crashes on Mac when launching with the command -MacExplicitRenderer=0

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017

Trying to launch the editor with the command -MacExplicitRenderer=0 causes a crash. At the time of the crash, the following line appears in the log:LogMac:Error: appError called: Assertion failed: A ...

MSAA crashes Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 19, 2017 ...