"Navmesh needs to be rebuilt" error message while running a Listen Server and Client

UE - AI - Navigation - Mar 1, 2022

Navmeshes produce a "Navmesh Needs to be rebuilt" error while running a Listen Server and a Client. ...

[Device Swap] - Ensure when connecting a controller or USB audio device while audio is playing in PIE

UE - Audio - Mar 11, 2022

Ensure when swapping to a newly connected USB audio device.  {no format} Ensure condition failed: Cache.Contains(DeviceIdName) [\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\AudioMixerXAudio2\P ...

Incorrect keying when a Transform Origin is applied

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 28, 2023

See steps to repro. Our key recomposition algorithms need to take into consideration the Transform Origin manipulations. ...

Groom Assets do not cast shadows when the shadow casting light is close to the groom and virtual shadow maps are in use

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 19, 2024

When a shadow casting light is closer to the groom than some proportional amount the groom is away from the shadow catcher, the groom's shadow will disappear. This only occurs using VSMs. Raytraced ...

Blueprints might get corrupted after inheriting multiple times.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2024

Blueprints might get into a corrupted state when they are inherited for a big number of times. Starting from a C++ class, if you then create a BlueprintClass from the C++ class, and keep creating ne ...

Character blueprint tick function does not behave properly

UE - Gameplay - Jul 2, 2015

Character tick event will continue to trigger even if Start with Tick Enable is set to false. Workaround: Setting "Set Actor Tick Enable" to false on Begin Play will prevent the tick event from t ...

Crashreporter.exe does not appear in packaged projects

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2015

Crash Reporter does not get packaged with development build projects when they have "Include Crash Reporter" set to true in packaging options. ...

Matinee tracks do not override Sound Notifies from AnimToPlay when using "Initial Position"

Tools - Oct 22, 2015

In the attached project, there is an animation (with a sound notify) plugged into the AnimToPlay slot. The Initial Position is set to 0.5. The matinee in the scene overrides the animations applied ...

UDP Messaging causes extra network traffic on some network setups

UE - Networking - Oct 7, 2015

A few users are experiencing strange network traffic from UDP Messagine. They notice it on other devices connected to the network. In some setups, it can even cause you to have cable TV interrupti ...

Sound Cues with Attenuation 'Override' Nodes break when Upgrading project to 4.11

UE - Audio - Apr 5, 2016

When upgrading a project to 4.11, Sound Cues placed in the level with the 'Attenuation' override node no longer playback as expected. This issue was a bit weird when testing because the user report ...