Skylight mobility settings interfere with Ray Tracing accuracy

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 28, 2019

When skylight raytracing is enabled, and skylight mobility is movable, skylight diffuse convolution is used on top of the skylight diffuse raytracing, causing severe bias and incorrect raytraced res ...

[Feature Request] 3D Text - Contextual Analysis - Localization

UE - Virtual Production - Nov 21, 2019

New Text 3D plugin does not process contextual analysis for Arabic Expected: Arabic characters should change shape based on the placement of a letter in a word (similar to how in English, a letter c ...

Native struct types that declare one or more non-UPROPERTY fields are not initialized with the default value from a modified Blueprint CDO.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 12, 2020

Dynamically-spawned instances of a Blueprint class go through an optimized property initialization pass (see UBlueprintGeneratedClass::BuildCustomPropertyListForPostConstruction() and InitProperties ...

int64 UProperty with ExposeOnSpawn meta tag won't compile.

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Mar 25, 2020

int64 UProperty with ExposeOnSpawn meta tag won't compile from a C++ UUserWidget class. ...

Crash calling destroy actor for Geometry Collection while it's simulating

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - May 12, 2020

Crash occurs when user call Destroy Actor on a Geometry Collection Actor. This seems to only occur while the actor is simulating. If called while on the ground, it doesn't seem to occur. ...

Two animation assets are created when Pawn is recorded in TakeRecorder.

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 21, 2021

If you specify a Level Sequence of "TakeRecorder_Skeletal" in step 3, there will be only one animation created. The licensee wants this to be the same behavior. ...

Cascade To Niagara Converter doesn't respect Initial Location Module

UE - Niagara - Aug 13, 2021

Niagara's Initialize Particle Module has the Input.Position Write default Value False which is fine as long as the Cascade To Niagara Converter can realizes whether Cascade has the location Module a ...

Long thin spinning objects take too long to stop spinning

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Jun 5, 2023

See the SpinningObjectStability test map in the Physics Sandbox. [Link Removed] It's not clear if this is a bug or a side effect of some of our solver shortcuts (e.g., omission of the precession te ...