Crash when Toggling Landscape Mode with Hidden Sub-Level containing a Landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Oct 28, 2016

A crash occurs when you have a hidden Sub-level containing a landscape and you attempt to toggle the Landscape Mode after re-opening the project. The licensee has authored their own fix for this is ...

BuildData needs to be released from level when it is unloaded

Tools - Oct 28, 2016

User is not able to load a build data asset without loading the level first. This can cause issues when trying to manage Source Control with the asset. ...

Sun Temple Crash closes app, but continues to run in background on Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 28, 2016

After moving around a bit while having stat fps open, the app closes and brings up the home screen, but the app is still running in the background. The FPS seems to take a plunge right before crashi ...

Unable to read Stat FPS text on Samsung S6 Edge

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 28, 2016

This is only occurring on the Galaxy 6 Edge. Was tested on multiple iOS and Android devices and could not repro Galaxy S6 Edge_6714 OS: 5.0.2 ...

Text Actors not Rendering on Mobile

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 28, 2016

When opening a packaged QAGame project the text actors do not render on all display previews on certain devices. So far this has been found on both iOS and Android, while other devices render text f ...

Sound notify does not play in Persona if Follow is enabled

OLD - Anim - Oct 28, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3172292 (4.13.2)BROKEN: 3177600 (4.14) If the user enables the Follow setting on a sound notify, the sound will not be heard in Persona. The sound will still play correctly ...

Make Tile Map Editable causes Crash on Mobile

UE - Gameplay - Paper2D - Oct 28, 2016

A crash occurs when using the Make Tile Map Editable function with blueprints when deployed to a mobile device. I can confirm this crash does not occur if you remove the function from the level blue ...

Fade track applies fade to all players, regardless of whether or not they are playing the sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 28, 2016

The fade track currently iterates over all UWorlds and adjusts the fade on the first player controller of each world. This means that the fade will be set for all players in a networked game, even t ...

Rifles are offset in Display 1.15 when opening Content Examples Animation map

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3172292 (4.13.2)BROKEN: 3177600 (4.14) In the Content Examples Animation level, at Display 1.15, the rifles are offset from the character's hands for two of the skeletal mes ...

LevelSequenceActor Tick( ) doesn't call super, preventing Blueprint class of LevelSequenceActor from calling Tick

UE - Gameplay - Oct 28, 2016

LevelSequenceActor is missing Super::Tick( ), preventing Blueprint version of class from calling Tick( ). ...