Event dispatcher cannot be deleted, removed, or renamed after placing a period in the name. In the case of the example given, the editor will throw a warning "No Delegate found for NewEventDispatche ...
Code projects in the binary version of 4.16.1 cannot be launched without the Editor in the debugger in Visual Studio. The project hits a breakpoint while launching, with the following showing in the ...
This is a top crash on Mac. This crash has only occurred on the 4.16.1 release (there are no records of it in 4.16.0). Repro steps are currently unknown, but the crash occurs in Commandlet mode and ...
A crash occurs when starting either the Landscape Painting Mode or Landscape Sculpting Mode tutorials. It crashes even if a landscape is already in the level. This is similar to [Link Removed], h ...
REGRESSION No, I was able to reproduce the hard lock in 4.16.1. A frequent ensure occurs when opening static or skeletal meshes on Mac. Doesn't reproduce 100% of the time, but I've gotten it about ...
Hovered state does not fire when "Use Mouse for Touch" is set to true. As a note this also happens in a packaged game if the setting was set to true. ...
The "Left Thumbstick Button" and "Right Thumbstick Button" events on Linux do not trigger with the thumbstick is clicked. Testing all gamepad input, clicking the thumbstick in appears to call the L ...
Components stop reporting overlap after a certain amount of actors are attached Warning Trying to simulate physics on ''/Game/UEDPIE_0_Level1.Level1:PersistentLevel.Cube7.StaticMeshComponent0'' but ...
Physics objects will bounce unrealistically just before coming to rest. This is most noticeable with the large cube in the 1st Person template project. It also happens with the smaller cubes but not ...
A licensee recently pointed out that there are now several GoogleVR lib files in 4.16 that are present in the Engine twice due to some of them being copied into a subdirectory. For example, , in 4.1 ...