Actor foliage does not respect the "foliage.CullDistanceScale" console variable. This was brought up in a UDN: [Link Removed] ...
Nanite foliage static meshes do not respect the "foliage.MaxEndCullDistance" console variable setting. This was brought up in a UDN: [Link Removed] ...
It is possible to get in a rare situation where PCG uses all Background workers while also having all its workers waiting on the FPCGLandscapeCacheEntry DataLock critical section. Since loading of ...
When selecting an asset in a level instance that is being edited via LevelInstance/Edit, the silhouette of the object is visible through occluding nanite meshes. This has the effect of disabling th ...
When bFailedNavLinkNavLink is enabled in RecastNavmesh, some NavLink points are debugged and others are not depending on the position of the NavLink point. In the sample project, enable bFailedNavL ...
Mesh Painting Texture Paint tool can miss some pixels along UV seams, even with "Enable Seam Painting" set to True. This appears to be because of the difference between rasterization and sampling. ...
There seems to be something wrong with how we close menus and submenus as submenus are opened and closed based on mouse interaction. In particular, we seem to sometimes close the whole menu hierarch ...
When the actor goes out of dormancy, it will replicate its push model property, even if it hasn't been marked as dirty. In this case, it seems the value of the property is not written to the shadow ...
Substrate materials have a thin border of black pixels between slabs. These lines can be made more apparent by changing the Diffuse Albedo color of the two slabs to pure white. This will remove the ...