Texture streaming needing to be rebuilt causes level to be dirty when opened

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 26, 2016

Opening levels that need texture streaming rebuilt causes the level to be dirty and unsaved, even though the user has not edited the level at all. This isn't consistent with other building features ...

"Stat SoundCues" lists inaudible sounds

UE - Audio - Aug 26, 2016

REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3039270 (4.12.5)BROKEN: 3095848 The "Stat SoundCues" command lists all sound actors in the level, even if it's not heard by the user. In 4.12, it only listed those that wer ...

Launcher installed build is missing the Documentation/Extras folder

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Aug 26, 2016

Because the extra folders is missing, the HTML help for console commands cannot be generated. ...

"Texture Streaming needs to be rebuilt" message appears in default level

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 26, 2016

When opening the default level, the user can see a "Texture Streaming needs to be rebuilt" for the level. ...

Meshes with no UV Coordinates will break the UVs of other meshes contained in the same HLOD if they share a material

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Aug 26, 2016

Meshes with no UV Coordinates will break the UVs of other meshes contained in the same HLOD if they share a material this only occurs depending on the specific order ...

Projectile spawns offset from character's barrel in FPS templates

Docs - Samples - Aug 25, 2016

In the first person templates, the projectile spawns noticeably offset from the character's gun barrel. This is noticeable playing normally, but even more noticeable if you pause and unpossess the ...

Android split screen multiplayer does not function or render correctly

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 25, 2016

Android devices don't support split screen functionality. ...

Moveable/Stationary Point Lights do not render in Orthographic View

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2016

When using an orthographic camera all point lights set to movable or stationary stop rendering while playing in the editor. This is also broken in standalone game. Note I've attached the project f ...

OnComponentActivated/Deactivated Event (ParticleSystem) doesn't function

UE - Gameplay - Aug 25, 2016

On component activated (Particle system) doesn't trigger correctly it does however work for the character movement component and the mesh component. If you select the print as a break point the eng ...

Components set to auto activate do not trigger on component activated events

UE - Gameplay - Aug 25, 2016

Components that have event's cooked up to their On Component Activated Event do not fire if the component is set to AutoActivated. This does work if the Activation event is triggered by other means ...